10. Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques
Article 1
Antonio Panaino. A Walk through the Iranian Heavens. Spherical and Non-Spherical Cosmographic Models in the Imagination of Ancient Iran and Its Neighbors [Texte intégral]Article 2
Antonio Panaino. Old Iranian Cosmography: Debates and Perspectives [Texte intégral]Article 3
Article 4
Jeffrey Kotyk. “Indo-Iranian and Islamicate Sources of Astrological Medicine in Medieval China” [Texte intégral]Article 5
Sonja Brentjes. “Ms Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Codex Arab. 2697 And Its Properties” [Texte intégral]Article 6
Sonja Brentjes. “Teaching Mathematical and Astronomical Knowledge in Classical and Post-Classical Islamicate Societies” [Texte intégral]Article 7
Maria Subtelny. “Kāshifī’s Asrār-i qāsimī: A Late Timurid Manual of the Occult Sciences and Its Safavid Afterlife” [Texte intégral]Article 8
Pouyan Rezvani (Editions, Translations and Commentary). Two Treatises on the Astrolabe by Abū Rayḥān Bīrūnī (d. ca. 1050) [Texte intégral]Article 9