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AccueilAbstracta IranicaVolume 443. Histoire, Art et Archéologie, ...3.2. Ouest de l’Iran3.2.2. Pré-Achéménides et Achémén...Kristin Kleber (ed.). Taxation in...

3. Histoire, Art et Archéologie, Période pré-Islamique
3.2. Ouest de l’Iran
3.2.2. Pré-Achéménides et Achéménides

Kristin Kleber (ed.). Taxation in the Achaemenid Empire

Reinhardt Pirngruber
Référence(s) :

Kristin Kleber (ed.). Taxation in the Achaemenid Empire. Classica et Orientalia (CleO) 26, Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2021, vi+434 p., Cased. ISBN 978-3-447-11597-1/ISSN 2190-3638.

Texte intégral

1In this conference volume, the proceedings of a symposium dedicated to the various taxes, dues and levies collected by the Achaemenid Great Kings from the subjects of their vast realm. It contains eleven essays arranged according to region, as well as an introduction with synopses of the contributions and an all too brief discussion of the difficulties involved in arriving at conclusions that are valid for the Empire as a whole, mainly owing to the heterogeneous nature of the ancient sources.

2Yet there are commonalities and points of contact between the contributions, both on the level of terminology, with the Babylonian term ilku and its Aramaic equivalent hlk playing a prominent role in disparate parts of the empire, and on the level of administration, for example as regards the interactions between the local, regional and imperial levels and their respective competences. Deliveries in kind (e.g., quotas of livestock or harvest shares) and the performance of labour duties are considered, as are straightforward payments in cash (mostly silver).

3The different regions are represented to an uneven degree in this volume – and the Persian heartland is unfortunately absent –; there is a clear focus on Babylonia (not surprising considering the quantity of primary sources), with four contributions including a programmatic essay by the editor spanning ca. one-third of the entire volume. Egypt and the Levant are well represented with three and two papers, respectively, while one paper each is dedicated to Asia Minor and Arachosia.



6K. Kleber, Taxation and Fiscal Administration in Babylonia, p. 13- (compte rendu dans ce même numéro d’AbstIr 44, Rubrique3.2.2., n°22)

7O. Boivin, The ilku and Related Fiscal Obligations in Sixth Century Larsa, p. 153- (compte rendu dans ce même numéro d’AbstIr 44, Rubrique3.2.2., n° 20)

8B. Dromard, Nippur and its Region under the Neo-Babylonian and Achaemenid Empires: A Fiscal History, p. 177-234 (compte rendu dans ce même numéro d’AbstIr 44, Rubrique3.2.2., n° 21)

9O. V. Popova, Taxation in Neo-Babylonian Ur: Evidence from the Archive of the Gallābu Family, p. 235-244 (compte rendu dans ce même numéro d’AbstIr 44, Rubrique3.2.2., n° 23)

10Egypt and the Levant

11D Agut-Labordère, Royal Taxes in Persian Egypt through Demotic Sources, p. 247-

12M. Folmer, Taxation of Ships and their Cargo in an Aramaic Papyrus from Egypt (TAD C3.7), p. 261-

13C.J. Tuplin, Fiscality in the World of Aršāma, p. 301-

14A. Lemaire, Achaemenid Taxation and Administration in the Southern Levant (4th Century BCE), p. 327-

15J. M. Silverman, The Taxes of God and King? Taxation in Persian Period Judaean Materials, p. 355-

16Asia Minor and Arachosia

17R. Descat, Taxation in the Achaemenid Empire According to Greek Sources: The Case of Caria under Mausolus, p. 391-

18A. Schütze, The Aramaic Texts from Arachosia Reconsidered, p. 405-

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Reinhardt Pirngruber, « Kristin Kleber (ed.). Taxation in the Achaemenid Empire »Abstracta Iranica [En ligne], Volume 44 | 2022, document 24, mis en ligne le 30 juillet 2022, consulté le 20 septembre 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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