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1Dear Colleagues and Friends,

2Recent times have brought considerable change for the Association for Coroplastic Studies. An important part of this change is the launch of Les Carnets de l’ACoSt, the new online journal of the Association, whose first issue I am pleased to introduce in my capacity as Editor-in-Chief chosen by the ACoSt Governance. The new periodical is meant both to replace and continue the Newsletter. As its predecessor, Les Carnets de l’ACoSt will be published on a biannual basis with a summer and winter issue. Les Carnets still invite short contributions on ongoing research, new books, recent conferences, etc., but also encourage the submission of longer scholarly articles dealing with all aspects of coroplastic production and iconography (for details, see Call for Submission). To ensure a high scientific quality, the latter submissions will be subject to a thorough peer-review process. Predictably, most of the submissions will be concerned with coroplastic products from the Mediterranean area, Egypt and the Ancient Near East, but I would like to emphasize that articles and communications dealing with material from beyond this geographical realm are also very welcome. Les Carnets de l’ACoSt will be permanently hosted by the French open access portal This not only allows for a wider outreach, but also enables a more reliable citation of the journal’s contents. My hope is that Les Carnet, as the first periodical entirely dedicated to coroplastic research, will stimulate the scientific debate in this fascinating field of study.

3With best wishes.

4Oliver Pilz

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Electronic reference

Oliver Pilz, EditorialLes Carnets de l’ACoSt [Online], 13 | 2015, Online since 01 September 2015, connection on 09 February 2025. URL:; DOI:

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About the author

Oliver Pilz

Johannes Gutenbert-Universität Mainz, Insitut für Klassische Archäologie

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