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Haut de page
Brian Digre, Imperialism’s New Clothes: The Repartition of Tropical Africa 1914-1919, New York, Peter Lang, 1990.
While our actors spoke of the “great war” or just the “war”, we stick to “First World War” for the sake of clarity and uniformity.
Sebastian Conrad, Dominic Sachsenmaier, “Introduction: Competing Visions of World Order: Global Moments and Movements, 1880s-1930s”, in Conrad and Sachsenmaier (eds), Competing Visions of World Order. Global Moments and Movements, 1880s-1930s, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, p. 1-18.
Sebastian Conrad, Dominic Sachsenmaier, “Introduction: Competing Visions of World Order: Global Moments and Movements, 1880s-1930s”, in Conrad and Sachsenmaier (eds), Competing Visions of World Order. Global Moments and Movements, 1880s-1930s, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, p. 12-16.
Our notion of the politics of appropriation is indebted to the concept of the “situational appropriation” of ideas, see Samuel Moyn, “On the Nonglobalization of Ideas”, in Moyn and Andrew Sartori (eds), Global Intellectual History, New York, Columbia University Press, 2013, p. 187-204, p. 193.
For the relationship between identity and different historical scales cf. Jacques Revel (dir.), Jeux d’échelles. La micro-analyse à l’expérience, Gallimard et Le Seuil, 1996, p. 12, p. 19; Ulrike Freitag, Achim von Oppen (eds), Translocality: The Study of Globalising Processes from a Southern Perspective, Leiden, Brill, 2010, p. 1-2, p. 9; Tony Ballantyne, Antoinette Burton, Empires and the Reach of the Global, 1870-1945, Cambridge-MA, Harvard University Press, 2012, p. 17-20; Sebouh D. Aslanian, Joyce E. Chaplin, Ann McGrath, and Kristin Mann, “AHR Conversation How Size Matters: The Question of Scale in History”, American Historical Review, 118, 5, December 2013, p. 1431-1472, p. 1443-1446, 1462ff. ; Sebastian Conrad, What is Global History?, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2016, p. 129-132. By using the term identity, we do not imply that the groups in question developed uniform group identities that effaced individual difference. Rather, we are interested in changing dynamics of group identification and self-understanding. See Rogers Brubaker and Frederick Cooper, “Beyond Identity”, Theory and Society, 29, 1, 2000, p. 1-47.
Jacques Revel (dir.), Jeux d’échelles: La micro-analyse à l’expérience, Gallimard et Le Seuil, 1996, p. 19.
The three were not the only groups who found themselves in this position; Chinese, Indian, Korean, and Arab nationalists suffered the same fate. See Erez Manela, The Wilsonian Moment: Self-Determination and the International Origins of Anti-Colonial Nationalism, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007. For a scathing critique of Manela’s approach, see Rebecca Karl, “Review of The Wilsonian Moment: Self Determination and the International Origins of Anti-Colonial Nationalism by Erez Manela”, American Historical Review, 113, 5, 2008, p. 1474-1476.
Kris Manjapra, Age of Entanglement. German and Indian Intellectuals across Empire, Cambridge-MA, Harvard University Press, 2014, p. 1-8.
Akintola J. G. Wyse, “The Sierra Leonean Branch of the National Congress of British West Africa, 1918-1946”, The International Journal of African Historical Studies, 18, 4, 1985, p. 675-698, p. 677.
Ayodele Langley, Pan-Africanism and Nationalism in West Africa, 1900-1945, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1973, p. 124.
Founded in 1918 in London and based on the ideal of the League of Nations, the League of Nations Union became the largest and most influential organization of the British peace movement.
J. E. Casely Hayford, Magnus J. Sampson (ed.), West African Leadership: Public Speeches delivered by the Honorable J. E. Casely Hayford, London, F. Cass, 1969, p. 47.
Erez Manela, The Wilsonian Moment: Self-Determination and the International Origins of Anti-Colonial Nationalism, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007.
W. E. B. Du Bois to Clemenceau, January 14, 1918, W. E. B. Du Bois Papers, MS312.
W. E. B. Du Bois to George Foster Peabody, August 28, 1918, W. E. B. Du Bois Papers, MS312.
J. E. Casely Hayford, Magnus J. Sampson (ed.), West African Leadership: Public Speeches delivered by the Honorable J. E. Casely Hayford, London, F. Cass, 1969, p. 55.
For an overview of the Mexican Revolution see Alan Knight, The Mexican Revolution: Porfirians, Liberals and Peasants, 1, Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 1990; Alan Knight, The Mexican Revolution: Counter-Revolution and Reconstruction, 2, Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 1990.
See for example, Stefan Rinke, Im Sog der Katastrophe: Lateinamerika und der Erste Weltkrieg, Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2015, p. 53.
Dipesh Chakrabarty, Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and Historical Difference, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2000.
Ricardo Flores Magón, “La Revolución Rusa”, La Regeneración: Periódico Revolucionario, Mexico, 16 March 1918, 262, p. 1.
Ricardo Flores Magón, “La Revolución Rusa”, La Regeneración: Periódico Revolucionario, Mexico, 16 March 1918, 262, p. 1.
See Viktor L. Kheifets, Lazar Kheifets, “The Mexican Link in Spanish Communism: Michael Borodin’s Mission to the Western Hemisphere 1919-1920 and the Creation of the Communist Party of Spain”, The International Newsletter of Communist Studies Online, XVI, p. 23, p. 79-89, p. 80.
Marcia Klotz, “The Weimar Republic: A Postcolonial State in a Still-Colonial World”, in E. Ames, M. Klotz, L. Wildenthal (eds), Germany’s Colonial Pasts, Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2005, p. 135-147.
Article 119, Treaty of Versailles, (last accessed June 6, 2016).
Deutschen Waffenstillstandskommission (ed.), Der Waffenstillstand 1918-1919, Band 1: Der Waffenstillstandsvertrag von Compiègne und seine Verlängerungen nebst den finanziellen Bestimmungen, Berlin, Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft für Politik und Geschichte, 1928, p. 41.
Robbie Aitken and Eve Rosenhaft, Black Germany: The Making and Unmaking of a Diaspora Community, 1884-1960, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2013, p. 197-198; Erez Manela, The Wilsonian Moment: Self-Determination and the International Origins of Anti-Colonial Nationalism, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007.
Christian Koller, Von Wilden aller Rassen niedergemetzelt: die Diskussion um die Verwendung von Kolonialtruppen in Europa zwischen Rassismus, Kolonial - und Militärpolitik (1914-1930), Stuttgart, Steiner, 2001, p. 188-190.
Otto Karstedt, “Zum neuen Jahr”, Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 36, 1, Januar 1919, p. 2.
Moritz Julius Bonn, Gerechtigkeit, München, Verlag von Ernst Reinhardt, 1919, p. 26-27.
Florian Wagner, “Von der kolonialpraktischen Kooperation zum ʻeuropäischen Idealʼ? Kolonialverbände in Deutschland, Frankreich, Spanien und Belgien (1870-1914)”, in Frank Bösch, A Brill, F. Greiner (eds), Europabilder im 20. Jahrhundert. Entstehung an der Peripherie, Göttingen, Wallstein, “Geschichte der Gegenwart”, 5, 2012, p. 27-53.
Martin Eberhardt, Zwischen Nationalsozialismus und Apartheid: Die deutsche Bevölkerungsgruppe Südwestafrikas 1915-1965, Müster, LIT Verlag, 2007; Michael D. Callahan, Mandates and Empire: The League of Nations and Africa, 1914-1931, Brighton, Sussex Academic Press, 2008.
Ulrich Heinemann, Die verdrängte Niederlage, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, (“Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft”), 58, 1958.
Hakim Adi, West Africans in Britain 1900-1960: Nationalism, Pan-Africanism and Communism, London, Lawrence and Wishart, 1998, p. 32-33.
Letter from J. E. Casely Hayford to W. E. B. Du Bois, June 8, 1904, W. E. B. Du Bois Papers, 1A.
See the correspondence contained in “Mouvement garveyiste au Sénégal”, ANS/17G52(17) and “Garveyisme”, ANS/21G126(108).
Allocution de Kojo Touvalou au Congrès de l’UNIA, Gradhiva, 10, 2009, p. 204-205.
Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, Le mouvement panafricaniste au xxe siècle, OIF, Paris, 2013, p. 24.
Lamine Senghor, La violation d’un pays et autres écrits anticolonialistes, présentation de David Murphy, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2012, p. 58.
La voix des nègres, 1, janvier 1927, ANOM/SLOTFOM/V/3.
José Martí, Nuestra América, Roberto Fernández Retamar (ed.), La Habana, 1974; Oscar Terán, “El primer antiimperialismo latinoamericano”, Revista de Cultura, 12, 1982, p. 3-10.
For the discussion between Roy and Lenin see Ronald Grigor Suny, “Don’t Paint Nationalism Red: Nationalist Revolution and Socialist Anti-Imperialism”, in Prasenjit Duara (ed.), Decolonization: Perspectives from Then and Now, New York, Taylor and Francis, 2003, p. 176-198.
Daniel Kersffeld, Contra el Imperio: Historia de la Liga Antiimperialista de las Américas, Mexico City, Siglo Veintiuno, 2012, p. 88-93, p. 311-313.
Julio Antonio Mella, “El Kuo Min Tang y la Revolución China”, El Libertador, 8, April 1926, p. 11.
Julio Antonio Mella, “El Kuo Min Tang y la Revolución China”, El Libertador, 8, April 1926, p. 11.
Otto Karstedt, “Arbeiten und nicht verzweifeln”, Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 35, 11, November 1918, p. 161.
“Address to a joint session of Congress”, in Arthur S. Link (ed.), The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, 45, Princeton-NJ, Princeton University Press, 1984, p. 534-539.
Deutsch-Übersee, February 18, 1919, BArch 8023/89, fol. 301-302.
Moritz Julius Bonn, Gerechtigkeit, München, Verlag von Ernst Reinhardt, 1919, p. 42.
Moritz Julius Bonn, Gerechtigkeit, München, Verlag von Ernst Reinhardt, 1919, p. 27, p. 29.
Moritz Julius Bonn, Gerechtigkeit, München, Verlag von Ernst Reinhardt, 1919, p. 28-29, p. 34.
Klaus Schwabe, Woodrow Wilson, Revolutionary Germany, and Peacemaking, 1918-1919, Chapel Hill-NC, University of North Carolina Press, 1985.
Ernst Fraenkel, “Das deutsche Wilsonbild”, Jahrbuch für Amerika-Studien, 5, 1960, p. 66-120.
Benedikt Stuchtey, Die europäische Expansion und ihre Feinde: Kolonialismuskritik vom 18. bis in das 20. Jahrhundert, München, R. Oldenbourg, “Studien zur Internationalen Geschichte”, 24, 2010, p. 232-289.
T. G. Kouyate to W. E. B. Du Bois, April 29, 1929, ANS/21G44(17).
Jonathan Derrick, “Tiémoko Garan Kouyate”, in Kevin Shillington (ed.), Encyclopedia of African History, 1, New York, Fitzroy Dearborn, 2005, p. 777-778.
For instance, Hubert Henry Harrison, one of the first African American members of the New York Socialist Party left the party in 1914 to lead his own movement, the Liberty League, which subsequently laid the cornerstone of the New Negro movement.
Woodford McClellan, “Black Hajj to ʻRed Meccaʼ: Africans and Afro-Americans at KUTV, 1925-1938”, in Maxim Matusevich (ed.), Africa in Russia, Russia in Africa: Three Centuries of Encounters, Trenton, Africa World Press, 2007, p. 63-64; Hakim Adi, Pan-Africanism and Communism: The Communist International, Africa and the Diaspora, 1919-1939, Trenton, Africa World Press, 2013, p. 20-21.
“Letter from Claude McKay to Leon Trotsky”, February 20, 1922, Robert A. Hill (ed.), The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers, IX, 1921-1922, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1995, p. 351-352.
Lamine Senghor, “En Afrique Occidentale Française – le travail forcé pour les indigènes”, Le Paria, 36-37, septembre-octobre 1925, p. 1.
Lamine Senghor, “Les Riffains ne sont pas seuls! Ils ont avec eux le monde des opprimés”, Le Paria, 34, juin-juillet 1925, p. 1.
Lamine Senghor, “Les Riffains ne sont pas seuls! Ils ont avec eux le monde des opprimés”, Le Paria, 34, juin-juillet 1925, p. 1.
Nicole Le Guennec, “Le Parti Communiste Français et la guerre du Rif”, Le Mouvement Social, 78, janvier-mars, 1972, p. 39-64; Alain Ruscio, “Le 12 octobre 1925: grève générale contre la guerre du Rif”, Cahiers de l’Institut de l’Histoire sociale CGT, 94, p. 6-11:; Jacques Cremadeills, “Le mot d’ordre de fraternisation pendant la guerre du Rif (1924-1926)”, Cahiers de la Méditerranée, 14, 1, 1977, p. 53-64; David Murphy, “Tirailleur, Facteur, Anti-colonialiste: la courte vie militante de Lamine Senghor (1924-1927)”, Cahiers d’Histoire. Revue d’histoire critique, 126, 2005, p. 55-72.
David Murphy, “Tirailleur, Facteur, Anti-colonialiste: la courte vie militante de Lamine Senghor (1924-1927)”, Cahiers d’Histoire. Revue d’histoire critique, 126, 2005, p. 55-72.
For further analysis on the relation between the Comintern and the PCF, see Hakim Adi, Pan-Africanism and Communism: The Communist International, Africa and the Diaspora, 1919-1939, Trenton, Africa World Press, 2013, p. 203-210.
Hakim Adi, Pan-Africanism and Communism: The Communist International, Africa and the Diaspora, 1919-1939, Trenton, Africa World Press, 2013, p. 203-210.
Anonymous, “¡Manos fuera de Nicaragua!”, El Libertador, 15, p. 3-4.
See Federal Bureau of Investigation, Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts. Subject: All American Anti Imperialist League, Communist Activities New York File #61-3-105 as of 2/23/1928.
Anonymous, “Diez Mil Pesos para Sandino”, El Libertador, 18, June 1928, p. 3.
Anonymous, “Informe de Mafuenic”, El Libertador, 18, June 1928, p. 8-9.
Anonymous, “Grandioso Mitin del Frente Unico ʻManos fuera de Nicaraguaʼ ”, El Machete, 109, 07.04.1928; Anonymous, “Gran Mitin en el Teatro Fabregas”, El Libertador, 17, April 1928.
Anonymous, “Entrega la bandera Norteamericana enviada por el General Sandino al C.C. ʻManos fuera de Nicaraguaʼ ”, El Libertador, 20, November 1928, p. 1. The flag was probably not captured, but stolen from a U.S.-owned mine. For its propaganda purpose, however, this distinction was irrelevant. See Alan McPherson, The Invaded: How Latin Americans and Their Allies Fought and Ended U.S. Occupations, Oxford, Oxford Press, 2014, p. 225.
Draft memorandum to 59th session of the action committee on November 11, 1918, no date [c. November 10] BArch R 8023/705, fol. 77-79; 59th session of the action committee, November 11, 1918, BArch R 8023/935, fol. 19; Report on the session of the executive committee, December 27, 1918, BArch R 8023/921, fol. 246-50, 249.
Strauch to Council of People’s Deputies, December 14, 1918, BArch 8023/527, fol. 146-147, 146; Germany is referred to here as “her” because in German, “die Nation” is a female noun; similar to France’s Marianne, the personified German nation has been depicted as a woman called Germania.
Hahl to Bell, March 5, 1919, BArch R 1001/7218, fol. 246-252; Hahl to Bell, March 21, 1919, BArch R 1001/7218, fol. 391-404.; Anon., “Aus den Abteilungen”, Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 36, 5, Mai 1919, p. 55-56; Anon., “Aus den Abteilungen,” Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 36,.7, Juli 1919, p. 81-82; Mitteilungen an die Vorstandsmitglieder, Gauverbände und Abteilungen der Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft, 4, Mai 10, 1919, BArch 8023/734, p. 1-2.
Strauch to Bell, March 4, 1919, BArch R 1001/7218, fol. 260-261.
See, for instance, DKG to Erzberger, Februar 2, 1919, BArch 8023/89, fol. 305-306; “Offener Brief der Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft an Präsident Wilson”, Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 36, 4, April 1919, p. 37-38; Mitteilungen an die Vorstandsmitglieder, 4, Mai 10, 1919, BArch 8023/734, fol. 1.
Strauch to, BArch R 8023/527, 147; “Kundgebung deutscher Frauen an die Reichsregierung”, Kolonie und Heimat, 12, 10, 1918, p. 7.
Anon., “Editorial”, Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 35, 12, December 1918, p. 177; Hedwig Heyl, “Unsere Pflichten im neuen Staat”, Kolonie und Heimat, 12, 9, 1918, p. 8.
Else Frobenius, “Staatsbürgerinnen”, Kolonie und Heimat, 12, 12, 1918, p. 6-7.
Anon., “An unsere Mitbürger!”, Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 36, 1, Januar 1919, p. 1; Anon., “Protestiert gegen den Raub der deutschen Kolonien”, Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 36, 2, Februar 1919, p. 14-16, p. 15.
Strauch to DKG branches, March 18, 1919, BArch R 8023/734, fol. 27.
Otto Karstedt, “Zum neuen Jahr”, Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 36, 1, Januar 1919, p. 2.
Moritz Julius Bonn, Wandering Scholar, London, Cohen and West, 1949, p. 149.
Joachim Nöhre, Das Selbstverständnis der Weimarer Kolonialbewegung im Spiegel ihrer Zeitschriftenliteratur, Münster, LIT Verlag, 1997, p. 39-44.
On the notion of synchronicity see Sebastian Conrad, “Enlightenment in Global History: A Historiographical Critique”, American Historical Review, 117, 4, 2012, p. 999-1027 and What Is Global History?, Princeton-NJ, Princeton University Press, 2016, p. 150-156.
Jean-Frédéric Schaub, “Survivre aux asymétries”, Antoine Lilti, Sabina Loriga, Jean-Frédéric Schaub et Silvia Sebastiani (eds), Expérience historiographique: Autour de Jacques Revel, Paris, Éditions de l’EHESS, 2016, p. 165-179.
See, for instance, Jean-Paul Zuniga, “L’histoire impériale à l’heure de l’histoire globale: Une perspective atlantique”, Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, 54-4bis, 2007/5, p. 54-68.
Frederick Cooper, “How Global Do We Want Our Intellectual History to Be?”, in S. Moyn, A. Sartori (eds), Global Intellectual History, New York, Colombia University Press, 2013, p. 283-294.
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