Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords | Palabras claves
- abduction
- abstraction
- academic
- acceptance
- accepté le
- accessibility
- accident with movement disturbance
- accountability
- accreditation of work experience
- accuracy and reliability
- activities
- activities system
- activity
- activity analysis
- activity centered design
- activity chronicles
- activity clinic
- activity development
- activity modeling
- activity modelisation
- activity representation
- activity simulation
- activity system
- activity theories
- activity theory
- activity transformation
- activity-based workspace
- activity-centered design
- activity-oriented ergonomics
- activity-sign
- actor-network
- actual work
- adaptive cruise control
- adult education
- aeronautics
- affect
- affects
- age
- agency
- agri-food industry
- agricultural advice
- agriculture
- agro-ecology
- agroecology
- air traffic control/aircrew coordination
- allo-confrontation
- alloconfrontation collective
- alternative conception in the use
- analysis
- analysis of activity
- analysis of professional practices
- analysis of social situations
- analysis of work
- analysis of work practices
- analysis of works
- anthropocene
- anthropocentric design
- anthropotechnology
- anticancer drugs
- appropriate task
- appropriation
- architectural design
- architecture
- art (in)visibility
- artefact
- artefact design
- artificial intelligence
- artistic forms
- artistical and technical creation
- assessment
- assistance
- assistance by telephone
- assistant ambient living
- asynchronous cooperation
- asynchrony
- attention
- atypical schedules
- audiovisual publication
- augmented course of action research program
- augmented reality
- authority
- autoconfrontation
- automation
- automatism
- automotive industry wastings
- autonomous driving
- autonomy
- aviation
- awareness
- call center
- camera glasses
- capabilities
- capable subject
- capable subjects
- capacity and power to act
- car driving
- car industry
- care
- career counseling interview
- case studies
- case study
- centre of coordination
- certification
- change
- change management
- change process
- changes
- changes in practices
- chatbot
- chemical hazards prevention
- child-oriented ergonomics
- chimical hazards prevention
- chronic illness
- chronotope
- civil servant student intern
- classroom debate
- clinic of activity
- clinic step
- clinical
- clinical approaches to work analysis
- clinical simulation in healthcare
- clinical usage
- co-analysis
- co-analysis of work
- co-ideation
- coaching
- cognitive anthropology
- cognitive conflict
- cognitive design research
- cognitive discursive analysis
- cognitive engineering
- cognitive ergonomics
- cognitive ethnography
- collaboration
- collaborative activity
- collaborative design
- collaborative robotics
- collaborative work
- collection of gestures
- collective action
- collective activity
- collective activity analysis
- collective analysis
- collective analysis of work
- collective gesture
- collective intelligence
- collective intention
- collective invention
- collective meaningful stories
- collective self-confrontation
- collective work
- colloquium
- commitment at work
- communication
- communication contract
- communications
- community
- compagnies
- comparative didactics
- comparison
- competence
- competition
- complex environments
- complex intervention
- complex systems
- complexity
- compromises
- computer science
- computer simulation
- conception
- conceptual structure
- conceptualisation
- conceptualization
- conceptualization in action
- concrete utopia
- confinement
- conflict
- conflict of criteria
- construction industry
- constructive debate
- consultancy
- consultant’s role
- consumption curves
- context
- continuous improvement
- control room
- conventional cruise control
- conversation analysis
- conversational analysis
- conversion factors Article soumis le
- cooperation
- cooperation between Lean and Ergonomics
- cooperative activities
- cooperative activity
- cooperative design
- coping with complexity
- cordiality
- core competences
- Core-Task Analysis
- coupling
- course of action
- course of experience
- course of information
- course of life
- course-of-action
- creation
- creative activities
- creative activity
- creativity
- crèche
- criteria’s conflict
- critical incident
- critical situation
- critical situations
- cross self-confrontation
- cross-functional collective activity
- crossed self-confrontation
- crossed-analysis and self-analysis
- cue word
- cultural anthropology
- cultural invariants
- cultural mediation
- cultural practice
- cultural-historical activity theory
- cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT)
- culturalist anthropology
- culture
- dairy farming
- debriefing
- deliberation
- design
- design activity
- design culture
- design ergonomics
- design object
- design of cooperative tools
- design of device
- design of teaching resources
- design of work organization
- design process
- design processes
- design support tool
- design-based research
- design-in-use
- designer
- determinants
- development
- development of activities
- development of activity
- development of practices
- development of professional competence
- development of well-being
- development process
- developmental intervention
- developmental laboratory
- developmental research
- developmental work
- developpement
- devopmental intervention
- diachronic activities
- diachronic approach
- dialogical activity
- dialogical frameworks
- dialogical interactions
- dialogism
- dialogue
- dialogue about work
- didactics
- differentiation
- difficult working conditions
- digital
- digital learning environment
- digital library
- digital slides
- digital storytelling
- digital technologies and activity’s space
- digitalisation
- dilemma
- dilemmas
- diploma
- dirty work
- disabilities
- discourse analysis
- disengagement from work
- distributed cognition
- domestic activity
- dramas of work ethics and professionalism
- driver’s activity
- driving assistance system
- driving instructor
- driving support systems
- durability
- dynamic combinations
- dynamic confrontations
- dynamic environment
- dynamic environment management
- dynamic processes
- dynamic situation
- dynamic situations
- e-mail overload
- early childhood education
- ecological transition
- ecology
- economic and social dimensions
- education
- education managers
- educational situations
- educators
- efficiency
- elderly people
- electric car
- electronic mail
- elicitation
- email overload
- embalmers
- embodied cognition
- emergence
- emergency
- emergency hotline
- emergency incident management
- emerging space
- emerging technologies
- emic approach
- emotional sharing
- emotions
- emotions and feelings
- empirical research program
- empowerment
- enabling environment
- enabling intervention
- enaction
- enactive ethnography
- energy efficiency
- energy management
- energy transition
- engagement
- engineering
- enrollment
- episodic experience
- episodic experiences
- episodic knowledge
- epistemic communauty
- epistemic levels
- epistemology
- equine traction
- ergologic approach
- ergology
- ergonomic intervention
- ergonomic methods
- ergonomic practice
- ergonomic psychology
- ergonomic work analysis
- ergonomics
- ergonomics guidelines
- ergonomics intervention
- ergonomics research
- ergonomist
- ergonomist practice
- ergotoxicology
- ethnographic activity analysis
- ethnography
- ethnomethodology
- evaluation
- evaluation research
- events analysis
- evolution
- expansive learning
- expectations
- experience
- experience skills
- experience transfer
- experienced workers
- experiential data
- experiential narratives
- experimental situation
- expert eye
- expertise
- explainability
- explicit self-confrontation interview
- exploration
- exposure assessment
- externalization of thought
- facilitation
- factory of the future
- farmers
- fear of learning
- feedback
- fictional experience
- field of actions
- field study
- first-line managers
- fitness
- flex office
- flexibility
- foci of attention
- forestry
- formation
- forum-theatre
- forums for professionals
- frame of reference
- frame to work
- framing
- free software
- functional migration
- functional modeling
- functional system
- functioning and development
- habit
- habits of action
- habitus
- health
- health and performance
- health and safety
- health and skills
- health at the workplace
- heart rate variability
- heterogeneousness
- high fidelity simulation
- high school principals
- higher education
- historical types of work
- home for the elderly
- home helpers
- home nursing
- homecare sector
- horticulture
- hospital
- HSWC expertise
- human activity
- human ecology
- human factors
- human resource management
- human-animal interactions
- human-computer interaction
- Human-Machine interaction
- human-machine relationships
- hydrofoils
- ice-hockey
- immaterial service
- impasse
- impediment
- improvisation
- indicators and markers
- individual activity
- individual and collective strategies
- individualisation
- industrial accidents
- Infant School Assistants
- inferences
- information
- information and communication system
- information seeking
- infrastructure
- initial education
- inner speech
- innovation
- inquiry
- instructions
- instrument
- instrumental approach
- instrumental design
- instrumental genesis
- instrumented sports activity
- instruments
- integrated courses
- intentions
- inter-generational transmission
- inter-organizational coordination
- interaction
- interaction analysis
- interactional analysis
- interactional routines
- interlocutionary analysis
- interlocutor modeling
- intermediate object
- intermediate situation
- internationalization
- interpersonal coordination
- interprofessionality
- intersubjectivity
- intervention
- intervention process
- intervention research
- intervention strategies
- interview
- interviews
- intevention-training
- intra-organizational coordination
- invariant of action
- lane-splitting
- language
- latent needs
- laughter
- lean
- lean management
- lean manufacturing
- lean standard
- learning
- learning activity
- learning conditions
- learning framework
- learning from experience
- learning organisations
- leeway
- legal context
- levels of awareness
- life course
- lighting
- literacy
- lithography
- local food system
- logistics
- long term creative cognition
- longitudinal study
- loyalty-inducing
- machine learning
- macro-micro relations
- management
- management and public administration in Brazil
- management indicators
- management tools
- manager
- manager activity
- managerial work
- managers
- managers’ work
- masking
- massively multiplayer online role-playing game
- meaning for action
- measurement
- mediation
- mediation activity
- mediation technologies
- mediations
- medical prescription of antipsychotic drugs
- medical radiology
- memory
- mentoring guidance
- messaging technologies
- methodology
- methodology and methods
- methods
- micro-project
- microenterprises
- microsociology
- midwifery
- milieu
- military aviation
- mimetic experience
- mobile phone
- mobility
- model
- modeling
- modelling
- Montbéliarde cattle
- motorcycling
- MSD prevention
- muda
- multi-activity
- multi-agent simulation
- multi-agent system
- multidisciplinarity
- multidisciplinary
- multidisciplinary approach
- multimodal interaction
- mura
- muri
- musculo-skeletal disorders (MSD)
- musculoskeletal disorders
- museum
- musical research
- mutual appropriation
- object oriented analysis
- observation
- observation methods
- observation of the occupational activity
- obstacle to professionality
- occupation
- occupational health
- Occupational Health and Safety Committee
- occupational health physician
- occupational mental health
- occupational psychology
- occupational risk prevention
- occupational risks
- older workers
- online further education
- open source software
- open-space
- operating model
- operational leeway
- operative cognitive tools
- operative model
- organisational theory
- organization
- organizational autopoiesis
- organizational change
- organizational design
- organizational design and management
- organizational dynamics
- organizational genesis
- organizational maturity
- organizational silence
- organizational simulation
- organizational transformation
- organizational work
- organizing process
- organizing work
- over-soliciting environments
- owner-manager
- paradox
- participation
- participative design
- participative management
- participatory approach
- participatory configuration
- participatory design
- participatory ergonomics
- participatory management
- participatory redesign or processes
- participatory simulation
- patient capabilities
- patient education
- patient handling
- patient handling care
- patient participation
- patient safety
- patient variability
- patient-physician consultation
- patients
- pedagogical continuity
- pedagogical format
- pedagogical interactions
- peer exchanges
- perception
- perception of work
- perceptions
- perceptive know-hows
- performance
- person-to-person communication
- perspective
- pertinence
- perturbation-based training
- phenomenology
- phone request
- physical and organizational space
- physical education
- physical education and sport
- physical education and sports
- physical preparation
- physical workload
- physics teaching
- physiotherapists
- physiotherapy
- plan of action training
- platform design
- plays
- pluri-sensoriality
- pluridisciplinarity
- polar conditions
- Power to Act
- power to act
- practical inquiry
- practical knowledge
- practice
- practices research
- practitioners
- practitioner’s posture
- pragmatic conceptualizations
- pragmatical concept
- pragmatism
- pragmatization
- pre-reflective consciousness
- pre-service teacher training
- precision Farming
- prescribed texts
- prescriptive documents
- prevention
- prevention of musculoskeletal disorders
- problem solving
- procedure
- process
- production concept
- production management
- productive activity
- productive and constructive activity
- productivity
- productivity (efficiency) performancee
- profession
- professional activity
- professional competence
- professional development
- professional didactics
- professional dilemma
- professional experience
- professional fishing
- professional gestures
- professional groups
- professional integration
- professional practices of ergonomists
- professional training
- professional transition
- professionality of special educators
- professionalization
- profitability
- project control
- project management
- proletarianization
- prospective approach to work
- psycho-phenomenology
- psychological instrument
- psychological instruments
- psychology
- psychophysiology
- psychosocial risks
- public action
- public officials dissatisfaction with work
- public policy
- radiographers
- radiotherapy
- rationalisation
- reasons for acting
- recommendations
- redesign of a transport network
- redesign-in-use
- references
- referential
- reflective practice
- reflectivity
- reflexive practice
- reflexivity
- regulation
- regulation strategy
- regulations
- rehabilitation
- relation
- relationship “agent-client”
- reliability
- remote simulation
- renormalization
- repetition
- representamen
- representation
- representation system
- representations
- requirements
- research
- research program
- research-intervention
- research-practice relationship
- researcher/professional collective
- resituating interviews supported by activity traces
- restaurants
- risk
- risk representations
- risks
- road passenger transport sector in a rural area
- road safety
- role
- role-play
- rope access
- route description
- routine
- rowing
- rugby referee
- rules
- safe design
- safety
- sailing
- satisfaction trajectory
- scaffolding
- scheduling
- schema
- schemas
- scheme
- schizophrenia
- school dropout
- science education
- security
- sedimented experiences
- self-confrontation
- self-confrontation interview
- self-confrontation interviews
- self-efficacy
- self-talk
- semi directed interviews
- semi-autonomous teams
- semi-quantitative methods
- semiological framework
- semiotic
- semiotic mediation
- seniors
- sense co-construction
- sensorimotor empathy
- sentiment
- sequence
- serious medical diagnoses
- service activities
- service design
- service relations
- service relationship
- services
- serving writs
- setting of usage
- shared context
- shift work
- ships
- short and long term
- simple and crossed self-confrontation
- simulation
- simulation of human activity
- situated acceptance
- situated action
- situated action and cognition
- situated activity
- situated cognition
- situated interactions
- situation
- situation of potential development
- situational intelligence
- situational operational leeway
- skill
- skills
- skills transfer
- smart-grids
- social agency
- social categorization
- social changes
- social constructivism
- social crisis
- social framework
- social network sites (SNS)
- social position
- social relation
- social support
- socio-cognitive conflict
- socio-cognitive dynamics
- socio-technical network
- socio-technical support
- sociology
- sociotechnical mediation
- specialized educator
- speech analysis
- speech forms
- Spinoza
- sport
- sports equipment design
- staff representative
- staff representatives
- standard
- standard frame of reference
- standard frames of reference
- standard of work
- state of health
- steering committee
- story of experience
- strategies for performance
- structures of communication
- student activity
- styles
- subjectivity
- subjectivity in the workplace
- subsidiarity
- suicides in the workplace
- supervisor
- supervisors
- support
- support needs
- support postures
- sustainability
- sustainable development
- sustainable prevention
- sustainable prevention of Work-Related Musculo-Skeletal Disorders (WRMSD)
- synthetic model
- system of authority
- system performance and evaluation
- systems usability
- table tennis
- taboo
- tacit knowledge
- task
- tätigkeit
- tax inspectors work
- taylorism
- teacher
- teacher education
- teacher training
- teacher’s work
- teaching
- teaching job
- team
- team activity
- team performance
- team situation awareness
- team sport
- technical culture
- technical solidarity
- technical tool
- technological research
- Technological Research Program
- technological research program
- technologies and methods of information and remote communication
- technology situated acceptance
- temporal configurations
- temporal environment management
- temporal frameworks
- temporal management
- temporality
- temporary organisation
- territorial community
- territorialisation work
- territorialization processes
- territories
- territory
- tertiary activity
- the concept of an activity
- the industrious making
- the professional gesture of adjustment
- the space of the activity
- theory of other people’s activity
- theory of practice
- theory-practice integration
- thought activity
- time management
- timeframes
- to take care
- tool design
- tools and techniques for system development
- tourism
- trade-off
- trainee teachers
- trainer
- trainers
- trainer’s activity
- training
- training design
- training device
- training programme
- training tool
- training-action
- trajectory
- transaction
- transferential activity
- transformation
- transformation action
- transformation of work
- transformations
- transitional activity
- transitional approach
- transmission of know-how
- transport and mobility
- transpositional process
- tunnel
- tutorial interaction
- typical activities
- typification
- values
- variables
- verbal data report
- video
- video browsing
- video ethnography
- video exposure monitoring
- video retrieval
- video technology
- video training
- video-enhanced education
- video-training
- videogames
- virtual environment
- virtual exchanges between professionals
- virtual reality
- visual representations
- visualization
- vocational education
- vocational teaching
- vocational training
- Vygotsky
- weaving a milieu
- wellbeing
- wizard of Oz
- work
- work activity
- work activity analysis
- work analysis
- work collective
- work debate
- work debate spaces
- work debates
- work experience evaluation
- work intensity
- work load
- work of art in museum
- work organisation
- work organization
- work organization and sociotechnical systems
- work practice analysis
- work psychology
- work psychopathology
- work safety
- work-related well-being
- workers of child welfare
- workflow tool
- working conditions
- working handover
- working relief
- working situation
- workplace learning
- works scheduling
- workspace
- writing and reading practices
- written production model
- written transmissions