Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords | Palabras claves
- abstract algebra
- activity
- activity theory
- adapted lesson study
- adolescents
- affective needs
- aid session
- algebra
- algebraic and geometrical frameworks
- algebraic equations
- algebraic manipulation
- algorithms
- analysis of teaching practices
- Anthropological Theory of the Didactic
- anthropological theory of the didactic
- approach
- arithmetic and algebra
- artificial intelligence
- assessment
- astronomy
- autism spectrum disorder
- automation
- mathematic education trainers
- mathematical activity
- mathematical demonstrations
- mathematical skills
- mathematical strategies
- mathematical texts
- mathematical work
- mathematical working space
- mathematics
- mathematics activities
- mathematics education
- mathematics education research
- mathematics for non-specialists
- mathematics teacher training
- mathematics teachers’ practices
- mathematics teaching
- mental calculations
- mental structure
- meta-didactic transposition
- modelling
- multimodality
- multiplication
- pedagogical consultants
- polyphony
- practices
- practicum
- praxeological differences
- praxeological reference model
- pre-service teacher education
- pre-service training
- preschool
- primary school
- probabilities
- probability
- problem solving
- procedures
- professional didactic
- professional didactics
- professional gestures
- professional identity
- professional postures
- programming
- proof
- proportionality
- prospective teacher training
- proximities
- schemes
- school geometry
- school mathematical discursive community
- science
- sciences
- secondary-tertiary transition
- semilinguistic dimension
- semio-cognitive analysis
- semiotic analysis
- semiotic registers
- semiotics
- sequence
- sequence of events
- share problems
- similar figures
- social aspects
- socioculturalism
- specificity
- standards
- statistics
- structure sense
- student activity
- student experience
- student in difficulty
- students
- study and research paths
- substitution
- support to a pupil
- surveys
- teacher activity
- teacher education
- teacher educator knowledge
- teacher pratices
- teacher professional development
- teacher trainer
- teacher training
- teacher training practices
- teachers
- teachers practices
- teachers’ development
- teachers’ trainers
- teaching
- teaching challenges
- teaching methods
- teaching of mathematics
- teaching practices
- teaching skill
- technologies
- technology
- Technology Enhanced Learning
- tensions
- textbooks
- Textbooks analysis
- the distributive property
- theories
- theory of didactic situations
- theory of didactical situations
- three-modality questionnaire
- topogenetic position
- topos
- training
- training knowledge
- training practices
- transposition