Instructions to authors
The journal is open to any type of research, whether it is a didactic essay or a study report involving empirical research. It is also possible to present a synthesis of research carried out in a particular field of mathematics education or a related field (physics, algorithms, etc.), or to propose reading notes on scientific works. The theoretical fields of reference are drawn from mathematics didactics. When they are part of a problematic of mathematics teaching, the works can also be based on cognitive psychology or linguistics.
The draft papers are generally no longer than twenty pages, but in exceptional cases they may be longer, allowing the author to develop an original point of view that emerges in the research field.
Articles may be written in French, Spanish or English. When the article is written in Spanish or English, it is expected that the authors also provide an abstract in French. If one of the three languages of the journal is not understood by the authors, please specify this at the time of submission.
Articles should be submitted by email to mai-adsc[at]
Before sending your article, please check that it complies with the following editorial guidelines:
The format of the journal is respected: style file for authors (see fichier de style en français ; fichier de style en anglais).
The level of language used is careful and well worked.
The images are of good quality in jpeg or png format.
The proposed article is original. It has neither been published elsewhere nor sent to another journal for publication. It is not a simple translation of a previously published article.
The article is free of plagiarism: knowledge, quotations, adaptations or inspirations are duly referenced (see APA 7e files).
The submission of the article is accompanied by the sending of an anonymous file.
By deciding to send an article to the journal Annales de Didactique et de Sciences Cognitives, you authorise the publication of your article on the journal's website and on the OpenEdition Journals website.
You also agree to provide links to these two sites for the distribution of your article :