Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords
- Aberewa
- academic career
- acculturation
- acephalous pastoral societies
- Achebe
- act of writing
- activism
- Adamawa
- adolescent
- adoption
- affective experience
- affinal ties
- affirmative action
- Africa
- African
- African cinema
- African ethnology
- african folktale
- African immigrant families
- African language literatures
- African languages
- african legacy
- African oral literature
- African orality
- African substratum
- African youth
- Afrikaans folklore
- Afrikaans literary criticism
- Afrikaner Nationalism
- Afro-American religions
- Afro-descendants
- age
- age system
- age systems
- age-group
- agency
- agrarian ritual
- agricultural history
- agricultural practices
- agriculture
- agro-pastoral production
- agroforest strategie
- agropastoral economy
- Aït Khebbach
- Àjònò Àlá epic
- Aka
- akan
- Akan historiography
- al-Andalus
- alcohol
- Alexandre Dumas
- Algeria
- alliance
- alms
- altars
- Amadou Hampâté Bâ
- anarchy
- Ancestors
- ancestors
- ancestralization
- ancestry
- ancient societies.
- ancient urbanization
- androcentrism
- animal
- animal transfers
- animism
- Ankaratra
- antagonistic acculturation
- anthropological archives
- Anthropological archives
- Anthropological records
- anthropology
- anthropology of childhood
- anthropology of childhood
- anthropology of emotions.
- anthropology of health
- anthropology of the body
- anthropomorphism
- anthroponymy
- anti-colonial uprising
- anti-feminism
- Anti-witchcraft cults
- anti-witchcraft cults
- apprenticeship
- archaeology
- archives
- Archives
- archives
- Arewa
- art as vehicle
- artisan crafts
- Artisanal gold mining
- Asante
- Asantemanso
- Ashanti
- assemblies
- assembly
- asylum seekers
- audiovisual
- Audrey Richards
- author
- authority
- autobiography
- Baatombù
- Bagirmi
- Baka
- Baka Pygmies
- Bakola/Bagyeli
- Bakoya
- Bakweri
- Bamana
- Bamanan
- Bamanankan
- Bambara context
- Bamiléké
- Banamba
- Bangando
- bantu
- Bantu
- Baoulé
- Baptist missionaries
- bard
- Basel Mission
- Bassar
- Bassari
- Bayano
- bazaars
- bead
- Bedik
- bee-keeping
- beef sales practices
- Beja
- Beja Bedouin Culture
- Beja Poetry
- belonging and inclusion
- Bemba
- Bemba speaking area
- Benin
- Berber
- Biafra
- Biafra
- bilingualism
- Black Brotherhoods
- black saints
- blood
- Blood money
- bodily change
- body
- Bomboko
- Bondoukou/Abidjan
- Bongo
- Bornoans
- borrowing
- Boulou
- boundary objects
- bowl
- Brass
- breeding
- bride wealth
- British colonization
- Bulu
- Burkina Faso
- bush
- bush spirits
- Businenge maroons
- butcher
- Bwa
- Bwaba
- C.A.R
- C.A.R.
- calabash
- Calame-Griaule
- calendar rites
- calypso
- cameraman
- Cameroon
- Cameroon
- Cameroun
- cannabis
- cannibalism
- capital
- capitals
- care
- Caribbean
- caribbean english literature
- Caribbean orature
- catalogue
- categorisation
- catharsis
- Catholic Missions
- cattle
- cattle breeds
- cattle sales
- census
- center
- Centrafrique
- central Africa
- Central Africa
- Central African Republic
- central Sudanic
- centre
- centred circular structure
- ceremonial genres
- Chad
- Chad Basin
- Chadic
- challenge
- change
- chant
- chieftaincy
- child
- child fosterage
- child migration
- childcare
- childhood
- children
- children begging
- children workforce
- children’s and youth literature
- children’s literature
- children’s rights
- children’s rights
- Christian redemption
- christianism
- chronicle
- cine-trance
- circular migrations
- circular time
- circumcision ritual
- Cissus quadrangularis
- citizenship
- city
- city-state
- Civil Rights Movement
- cladistic
- clan epic
- Claretian
- classification
- clay
- coastal Cameroon
- cohabitation
- collections of travels
- collective identity
- collective song
- colonial archives
- colonial domination
- colonial justice
- colonial migratory pattern
- colonial space
- colonial violence
- colonialism
- colonisation
- colonization
- color prejudice.
- Colorism/Otherism
- Comité du film ethnographique
- commentary
- commitment
- commodification of labour
- commodity
- common pool resources
- communication
- comorians
- comparative ethnomusicology
- comparative organology
- conflict
- conflict
- conflicts
- conflicts between adults and children
- Congo
- Congo Basin
- Congo Brazaville
- Congo-Brazzaville
- conquered ethnic groups
- consciousness
- conservation
- construction
- construction of identity
- contes
- contextual analysis
- conversion
- corpse’s dance
- corruption
- Cosmogony
- cosmology
- Côte d’Ivoire
- Cote- d'Ivoire
- crafts
- craftsman
- craftsmen.
- creation
- creole
- creole language
- créole language
- creolization
- criminal punishment
- cultural anthropology
- cultural contact
- cultural geography
- cultural identity
- cultural practices
- cultural resources
- culture contact
- cumulative tale
- custody rights
- cyanidation
- cycle
- cycle of vegetation
- Dabadougou
- Dahomey kingdoms
- Dahomey/Benin
- daily life space
- Dakar
- dance
- Dâr Fûr
- dead reckoning
- Debaba Mallum
- decoloniality
- deictic
- Delafosse Maurice
- deliverance
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- democratisation process
- democratisaton
- deportation
- descent groups
- development project
- diachronical analysis
- dialects
- diaspora
- diffusion
- diglossic
- disaffiliation
- discourse
- discrimination
- discursive strategies
- disenchantment
- displaced persons
- diversity
- Divination
- divination
- divine grace
- divinities
- djinn
- documentary style
- Dogon
- Dogon country
- domestic cycle
- domestic production
- domestic slavery
- domesticity
- donkey
- double-dutch reading
- dream
- dream – fire – #Black Lives Matter
- drought response
- dry food
- duality of human nature
- dub poetry
- dwelling
- Dyula
- E. N Marais
- early ethnographic film
- early puberty
- Earth
- earth
- earth god
- earth shrine
- earthwork
- East Africa
- Eastern Arabia
- economy
- ecotourism
- education
- Education
- education
- Egypt
- Elmina
- emancipation
- emblem
- Émilie de Brigard
- empirical approach
- empowerment
- end of slavery
- endogamy
- enunciation
- environment
- Éotilé
- epic
- Epic hero
- epic of black Africa
- epistemology
- epistolary novel
- Equatorial Guinea
- Eritrea
- Ethics
- Ethiopia
- Ethiopian women revolutionaries
- ethnicity
- ethnnolinguistic
- ethno-biography
- ethno-fictional films
- ethnofiction
- ethnographic approaches
- ethnographic cinema
- ethnographic fieldwork
- ethnographic film
- ethnographic films
- ethnography
- ethnolinguistics
- ethnology
- ethnomusicology
- Ethnonyms
- ethnopsychanalysis
- European colonization
- Europeans
- Evangelical movements
- Evuzok
- Ewe
- exhibition
- exploration
- explorer
- explorers
- external space
- family
- family planning
- family relations
- family ties
- Fang
- Far-North region Cameroon
- Fellata Mallum
- female autonomy
- female figures
- feminine writing
- femininity
- Fernando Po
- fetish objects
- fetishism
- fiction
- Field data
- field materials
- fight against corruption
- filiation
- Film Study Center
- first and second generations
- fishing
- folktale repertoires and storyteller’ gender
- folktales
- food
- football
- Forced Diasporas
- forest
- forge
- forgiveness
- formal analysis
- fosterage
- fostered children
- fostering
- foundation myths
- foundation narrative
- fox
- framework
- framing
- France
- Francophone Africa
- francophone Africa
- francophone literature
- Frazerian theory
- free direct speech
- French
- French colonies
- Fulani
- Fulani / local people relationships
- Fulani culture
- Fulani folktales from North-Cameroun
- Fulani pastoralists
- Funeral Rites
- funeral rites
- funerary practises
- funny story
- Gabon
- games
- gaw
- Gbaya
- gender
- gender
- gender construction
- generation
- genetic diversity
- genetic origin
- Geneviève
- genies
- genies
- geophytes
- gesture
- Ghana
- Gidar
- gift theory
- girls’ initiation rites
- girls’migration
- girl’s initiation
- global health
- globalisation
- globalization
- globalization
- Goat
- goat
- God
- Gold Coast
- Gold Coast / Colonial Ghana
- GoPro
- Gospel of salvation
- Gouin
- Grassfields
- grave
- graves
- Great Lakes Africa
- Great Lakes monarchies
- Griaule
- griots
- Guinea
- Guiziga area
- gyaase
- Haalpulaar
- habáit
- hardship
- Harvard
- Hausa
- hawka spirit possession
- healer
- heaven
- heir to the geniuses
- Henri Lhote
- herding
- heritage
- heritagization
- high colonialism
- high-risk activism
- historical construction
- historiography
- History
- history
- history of anthropology
- honey
- hospitality
- house
- house building
- human being
- human population genetics
- human rights
- human sacrifice
- hunter
- huntergatherer
- hunting
- hybridity
- Iberian Peninsula
- Icha
- identity
- Identity
- identity formation
- ideology of civilization
- Ife
- Igbo
- image of ‘Africa’
- Imaginary
- imaginative world
- immigration
- implicit
- Improvement
- improvisation
- in vitro fertilization (IVF)
- independent radio stations
- indigenous
- indigenous knowledge
- individual trajectories
- individualism
- inheritance
- Initiatic narrative
- Initiatic space
- initiation
- Initiation
- initiation space
- Inner Space
- inner-family mobility
- insecurity
- inspiration
- institution
- institutional change
- intangible heritage
- integration of traditional medicine policy
- intentionality
- inter-ethnic relationships
- interdiscourse
- intergenerational relations
- internal space
- international interventions
- interracial marriage
- intertextuality
- invisible world
- iron
- islam
- Islam
- Islamic East
- Italy
- Ivory Coast
- labor
- Lamu archipelago
- land of the dead
- land ownership
- land reform
- langage of kinship
- language
- Language contact
- languages
- law
- legitimacy
- Lenshina
- leopard-men
- Les Cahiers de Belaïd
- Les Maîtres fous
- letter-writing
- life history
- Limba
- liminality
- limits
- lineage
- lineage ritual
- lineages
- Linguistics
- Linton Kwesi Johnson
- Liotard
- literacy
- literary field
- literary genre
- literary genres
- literary genres abundance
- literary regime
- literary renewal
- literature
- little maids
- lived time
- livelihood strategies
- Lobi
- local and global institutions
- local leadership strategies
- Lomé
- long distance interactions
- long-distance commerce
- Loranthus
- love
- love relations
- Lucien Castaing-Taylor
- luggage rack
- Luhya
- Lupemban
- lute
- Lyela
- Maale
- Madagascar
- Maghreb
- magic
- magic realism
- Mahamadou Karantao
- Mahdism
- maidens
- male dominance
- male initiation
- Mali
- Mali anthropologie
- Mandara mountains
- Manding
- Mandingo immigration
- mapping
- maps
- maraboutage
- marabouts in the parisian suburbs
- Marcel
- marital residence
- maroon slaves
- marriage
- marriage compensation
- marronage
- Masa
- masculine/feminine
- masculinity
- Masina
- masks
- material culture
- materialism
- maternity reform
- matricentricity
- matriclan
- matrilineage
- matrilineal
- matrilineal Bantu
- Matrilinearity
- matrimonial compensation
- matrimonial discrimination
- Mauritania
- maye
- Mayotte
- measure
- meat
- media
- mediation
- medicine
- medieval Arabic romance
- medieval epic
- megaliths
- memory
- mental mapping
- Meroitic
- Metal metaphor
- metallurgy
- metallurgy of iron
- métaphors
- methodology
- Mexico
- Michel Izard
- micro-histor
- Middle Stone Age
- middle-class(es)
- middlemen
- migrant child workers
- migrant oral literature
- migration
- migration
- migrations
- migratory debt
- millenarian prophecy
- miniskirt
- missionaries
- missionary writings
- mobility
- mobilization
- Moi - un noir
- Mongo
- Mooritania
- Moors
- Moose
- Mopti (Mali)
- Morocco
- Mossi
- mother
- motherhood
- mothering
- Mount Meru
- movement
- moving
- Muhammad ‘Alî
- multilingualism
- Mundang
- Mungiki
- museum
- music
- Music
- musical identity
- Musical systematics
- musical systematics
- Muslim city
- mvet
- Mvet
- Mvet Ekang
- myth
- mythic space
- mythic world
- mythology
- myths
- narrative
- narrativity
- nation
- national and international norms
- nationalism
- native peoples
- natron cure
- natural resource
- Nehanda myth
- neighbours
- nengetongo
- neo-liberal market
- neo-orality
- Neolithic
- networks
- Ngom
- NGOs
- Niger
- Niger Delta
- Nigeria
- night
- Nile valley
- nomad
- nomination
- non-pygmies
- normative speech
- North Cameroon
- North of Zambia
- North-Cameroon
- Northern Cameroon
- Northern-Gabon
- novel
- Ntomba
- Nubia
- Nubian
- Nzebi
- Nzema
- Nzimé
- oasis
- objectivity
- ody
- Oedipus complex
- Œdipus.
- Ogbanje
- ogbanje
- Ogowe-Congo
- oil production
- Okrika
- oral discourse
- oral genres
- oral literature
- oral literatures
- oral tales
- oral tradition
- oral traditions
- orality
- ordeal
- ordinary speech
- organology
- orientalism
- orientation
- origin myths
- origin of the state
- ornaments
- orphans
- otherness
- Ousmane Doumbia
- out-migration
- pain
- palace
- pan-Africanism
- Panama
- parenthood
- parenthood
- parenting
- pastoral poetry
- pastoral solidarity
- pastoral strategies
- pastoralists
- patrimony
- pattern
- pawnship
- peace
- peformativity
- Pentecostalism
- peoplement history
- performance
- persecution
- person
- Peul
- photography
- photography book
- pig farming
- pilgrimage to Mecca
- place
- plant
- plastic
- pluriparentalité
- pluriversalism
- poems
- poetry
- policy
- political contract
- political history
- political transition
- politicisation of private life
- politics
- polyethnic system
- polyphony
- polysemy
- popular education
- populations
- possession
- possession
- Possession
- possession cults
- possession rituals
- postcolonialism
- pottery
- poverty
- power
- precarious situation
- precolonial metallurgy
- precolonial period
- precolonial West-African societies
- prestige goods
- pride
- processing sheds
- procreation
- prophetism
- propriety
- proverb
- proxemics
- psychological markers
- public space
- public square
- publishing
- pulaar literature
- Punu
- pupils
- Pygmies
- Pygmy
- Pygmy/ Non-pygmy
- racial relationships
- racism
- radio
- rain
- rainmaking
- rainstone
- rebel
- reconciliation
- Reflexivity
- reggae
- regional comparison
- reincarnation
- religion
- religious reform
- religious rituals
- remittances
- Renel
- representation
- representations
- representations of children
- representations of the invisible
- resilience
- resistance
- resistances
- resource use trends
- responsibility
- reticular city
- returning children
- Réunion
- révolution
- rights on animals
- risk
- risk management
- rites
- ritual
- rituals
- Robert Gardner
- rock art
- rock engravings
- Rouch
- royal city
- royal enclosures
- royal epic
- royal harem
- rugs
- Rwa
- sacred forest
- sacred forests
- sacred kingship
- sacred sites
- sacred woods
- sacredness
- sacrifice
- sacrifice of Christ
- Sahara
- Sahara
- saharian tribes
- Sahel
- Sakpata
- Sakrobundi
- salt cure
- salutation
- Sango
- Satan
- savagery
- Sayf b. Dhī Yazan
- scales of observation
- school
- schooling
- schoolteaching
- scriptural prophetism
- Sea
- secondary orality
- secrecy
- secret
- Segu
- Senegal
- Senegal Valley
- Senegalese herders
- sensations
- sensory
- Sensory Ethnography Lab
- Senufo
- sepulchral practices
- session
- settlement
- sexual nationalism
- sexuality
- shared anthropology
- sharing
- sheep
- shelter
- shifting cultivation
- sickle cell disease
- Sierra Leone
- sīra
- slaughtering
- slave market
- slave ships
- slave society
- slave soldiers
- slave trade
- Slavery
- slavery
- slaves
- small ruminants
- smallpox
- smiths
- smoking pipes
- social and political status
- social anthropology
- social boundaries
- social change
- social hierarchy
- social inequality
- social media
- social mobility
- social organization
- social relations
- social sciences
- society
- sociopolitical organisation
- song
- songs
- Soninké
- Sony Labou Tansi
- sorcery
- sorkawa
- Soudan
- soufist brotherhoods
- sources
- South Africa
- Southern Ethiopia
- sovereignty
- space
- Space
- Space Specification
- spaces of refuge
- spatial logics
- spatial organization
- spatial referentialization
- spatial terminology
- speaker
- specificity
- sperm
- spirits
- spirits pantheon
- spiritual resources
- staging speech
- state
- State
- stereotype
- stereotypes
- stone tools
- struggle
- students
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- sub-Saharan Africa
- subsaharan africa
- successive exchanges
- Sudan
- suffering
- Suzanne Lallemand
- Swahili
- swahili
- Swahili literature
- swahili literature
- Symbolic
- symbolic mourning
- symbolic space
- symbolism
- symbols
- sympathetic magic
- syncretic cult
- tailings/mud
- tale
- tales
- Tales
- taming
- Tanzania
- Tchamba
- teaching
- technical
- techniques
- Teda
- Téké
- Tenda
- tent
- terminology
- terracotta
- territorial organization
- territories
- territory
- territory delimitation
- Tetela
- text
- the cult of María Lionza
- the return of children
- theatrical
- theophoric
- therapy between two cultures.
- time
- tobacco
- Togo
- toponyms
- Toponymy
- Touaregs
- tourism
- town
- traditional healer
- traditional right
- trajectory
- trance
- transfer of knowledge
- transhumance
- transient
- transit migration
- transit time
- translation issues
- transmission
- transnational families
- Transsaharian trade
- travel
- travel accounts
- travellers
- travelogues
- Travels
- trials
- triangular trade
- tribe
- Tuareg
- Tuaregs
- Tubu
- Tunisia
- Tupuri
- twins
- tying up cow
- types of livestock
- typology
- war
- war
- war drum
- wards
- Watchi
- water deity
- wealth
- weddings
- Werewere Liking
- West Africa
- West Africa
- Western Africa
- William Wadé Harris
- winye
- witchcraft
- wives as gifts
- Wolof
- Wolof women writers
- woman
- women
- women
- women’s resistance
- writing
- writing space
- writings
- written civilisation.
- written culture
- written literature
- written sources