BATTESTINI, Simon, (sous la direction de) 2006, De l’écrit africain à l’oral. Le phénomène graphique africain, Paris, L’Harmattan, 318 p.
BORNAND, Sandra, 2006, Parlons zarma : Une langue du Niger, Paris, L’Harmattan, 339 p.
CALAME-GRIAULE, Geneviève, 2006, Contes dogon du Mali, Paris, Karthala-Langues’O, 243 p.
FALOLA, Toyin & Ann GENOVA, 2006, Yoruba Identity and Power Politics, Rochester (USA), University of Rochester Press, 370 p.
GAUSSET, Quentin, Michael A. WHYTE, Torben BIRCH-THOMSEN (Edited by), 2005, Beyond Territory and Scarcity. Exploring Conflicts over Natural Ressource Management, Uppsala, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 217 p.
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MANN, Gregory, Native Sons. West African Veterans and France in the Twentieth Century, 2006, Durham (USA), Duke University Press, 334 p.
MERLIN, Pierre & Odile MERLIN, 2005, Ingénieur en Afrique, 1938-1961. Le chant des filaos, Paris, Karthala, 227 p.
MIRAN, Marie, 2006, Islam, histoire et modernité en Côte d’Ivoire, Paris, Karthala, 546 p.
MURRAY, Colin & Peter SANDERS, 2005, Medecine Murder in Colonial Lesotho. The Anatomy of a moral Crisis, Edimburgh, Edimburgh University Press, 493 p.
QUINN, Frederick, 2006, In search of salt. Changes in Beti (Cameroon) Society, 1880-1960, « Cameroon Studies, vol. 6 », New York-Oxford, Berghahn Books, 175 p.
VIGH, Henrik, 2006, Navigating Terrains of War. Youth and Soldiering in Guinea-Bissau, New York, Berghahn Books, 258 p.
WA KABWE-SEGATTI, Aurelia, Nicolas PEJOUT et Philippe GUILLAUME (eds.), 2006, Ten Years of Democratic South Africa. Transition Accomplished ?, Les Nouveaux Cahiers de l' IFAS, 8, 215 p.