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Guidelines for authors

Submissions to the journal Afriques must be original texts. Proposals for articles are to be sent in an e-mail attachment to revueafriques[at] Do not forget, in your e-mail, to indicate your electronic and postal addresses, where we can eventually mail proofs.

Once the final version of your article has been submitted, you must send to Afriques the signed authorization (Appendix 1) for publishing your article and placing it in circulation on line. Otherwise, the article cannot be printed, nor published on line.

Illustrations of all sorts (tables, graphics, maps, photos, etc.) are accepted if they contribute to the argumentation and do not entail problems with regard to the rights for reproducing them. If the author of an illustration is not the same as the author of the article, he/she will have to sign the form for freely ceding the right to publish his/her illustration(s) in Afriques. See Appendix 2 for the download.

Each illustration must have a title and a caption. It must also bear the name of its author. Each photo should, in addition, bear the date when it was taken (at least the year).

The accepted formats for graphics are: *.jpg, *.gif and *.png. We would appreciate receiving each graphic set at a good resolution in its original file even if the graphics are also included in the article’s text file.


For the article to be published in the best conditions, the editorial board of Afriques asks authors to present texts in compliance with the following guidelines:

Format: Articles are to be sent in *.doc or *.odt format. We do not accept *.docx format.

Languages: French or English.

Length: From 25.000 to 90.000 signs (including spaces and notes).

Order of presentation: Each submission should contain the following elements in the stated order:

- a title.
- a translation of the title in French if the article is in English (or in English if the article is in French).
- the author’s first and last names.
- the author’s position and institutional affiliation.
- an abstract of approximately 1.000 signs (including spaces) in French and in English.
- 5 or 6 keywords in French and in English.
- the text.
- the bibliography.

Title and subheadings: The article’s title and subheadings should be set in lower case but be clearly identifiable. Subheadings should not be numbered. We recommend that you not use more than two subhead levels.

Text: The text should be presented as simply as possible: 12pt. Times or Times New Roman, single-spaced, without styles (or only the “Normal” one) and with no end-of-line hyphenation. Bold-facing, underlining, tabulations, multiple spaces and hard page breaks are to be shunned.

Quotations: They should be placed inside quote marks in roman type (not in italics): “quotation”. When a quotation stretches beyond two lines, it should be placed in a separate paragraph with all lines indented using Times or Times New Roman 10 pt. Such a paragraph does not take quotation marks.

- Footnotes should be consecutively numbered, and the number in the text should be placed after all punctuation marks except the dash.
- Words and phrases in a foreign language are to be italicized.
- Centuries are to be indicated as follows: 18th century.

References and bibliography

References in the text to the bibliography are to be cited in footnotes, as follows:
R. D
ennel, 2006, p. 22-26.

The bibliography at the end of the article should list all publications referenced in the footnotes. A very few other references may be added. This bibliography should be arranged in alphabetical order by author’s last name (and for any single author in chronological order). Please follow these examples:

Thorton, J., 1998, Africa and Africans in the making of the Atlantic world, 1400-1800, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Chrétien, J.P., 2004, “Les capitales royales de l’Afrique des Grands Lacs peuvent-elles être considérées comme des villes?”, Journal des Africanistes, 74 (1-2), p. 277-298.

Chapter in a book with several contributors:
Alpers, E.A., 2005, “Mozambique and ‘Mozambiques’: Slave trade and diaspora on a global scale” in B. Zimba (ed.), Slave routes and oral tradition in southeastern Africa, Maputo, Fimsom, p. 39-61.

Paez, P., 2008, Historia da Etiopia, Lisbon, Assirio & Alvim, I. Boavida, H. Pennec and M. João Ramos (éds.).

uthor, N., date, Title, PhD dissertation, University/Institution.

Transliteration and transcription

Transliteration of languages not using the Latin alphabet: Transliterated words from such a language must be set in a Unicode font, since Times and Times New Roman do not contain all the signs needed.

We strongly recommend the font DejaVu Sans, which can be downloaded at

Gentium may also be used. It can be downloaded from the SIL website:

Transliteration of Semitic and Ethiopic languages should follow the rules in appendices 3 and 4.

Transcription of Arabic: authors working on a PC can use the Times New Roman or Traditional Arabic font; those on Apple can use Times New Roman or Bayan (16 pt. for the text and 14 pt. for notes).

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