Correspondance d’Angleterre
Texte intégral
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60McMahon Darrin M., Enemies of the Enlightenment : antiphilosophes and the birth of the French Far Right, 1778-1830, PhD Thesis, Yale University, 1998.
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64Sagraves Julia A., The field of honour : paintings, painters, and the politics of masculinity at the Salon during the First French Empire, PhD Thesis, Northwestern University, 1997.
65Sepinwall Alyssa R., Regenerating France, regenerating the world : the abbé Grégoire and the French Revolution, 1750-1831, PhD Thesis, Stanford University, 1998.
66Simon Jonathan, The alchemy of identity : pharmacy and the chemical revolution, 1777-1809, PhD Thesis, University of Pittsburgh, 1997.
67Trinkle Dennis, The Napoleonic press : coverage of private and public affairs from the Revolution to Waterloo, PhD Thesis, University of Cincinnati, 1998.
68Turley Katherine M., Channels of influence : patronage, power and politics in Poitou from Louis XIV to the Revolution, PhD Thesis, University of California at Irvine, 1997.
69Werner Paul, David’s basket : art and activism in the French Revolution, PhD Thesis, City University of New York, 1998.
70Weinzierl John F., The military and political career of Claude-Victor Perrin, PhD Thesis, Florida State University, 1997.
71Woell Edward J., Counterrevolutionary catholicism in western France : the battle of belief at Machecoul, 1774-1914, PhD Thesis, Marquette University, 1997.
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Référence papier
Malcom Crook, « Correspondance d’Angleterre », Annales historiques de la Révolution française, 319 | 2000, 141-145.
Référence électronique
Malcom Crook, « Correspondance d’Angleterre », Annales historiques de la Révolution française [En ligne], 319 | janvier-mars 2000, mis en ligne le 11 mai 2006, consulté le 14 janvier 2025. URL : ; DOI :
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