Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords
- absence of input
- acquisition
- acquisition german L2
- acquisition nominal grammatical features
- acquisition of L2
- acquisition of L2 French
- Acquisition of the progressive
- acquisition verbal grammatical features
- activity
- activity theory
- additive particles
- advanced learners
- age
- age factor
- age of onset
- agreement
- aspect
- aspect hypothesis
- caused motion
- change
- child bilinguism
- child L2
- child poetry
- child-directed language
- Chinese
- chronology
- chunking
- classroom discourse
- classroom interaction
- classroom learning
- clitic pronouns
- clitics
- code switching
- code-switching
- cognition
- cognitive development
- collaborative writing
- communication strategy
- comparative study
- complex utterances
- complex verbal tasks
- complexity
- conceptualisation
- condensation
- connectors
- constraints
- construction of meaning
- construction of the predication
- context
- contextualization
- contrastive rhetoric
- conversation analysis
- conversational dynamics
- creoles
- creolization
- critical period
- cross-linguistic influence
- crosslinguistic comparison
- crosslinguistic influence
- curricular and extra-curricular factors
- iconicity
- imagery
- immersion
- imparfait
- individual learner differences/variation in lexical richness
- inductive/deductive instruction
- information organisation
- information status
- information structure
- input
- input processing
- inscription
- institutional context
- instructed setting
- interaction
- interactional task
- interactionist approach
- interlanguage comparisons
- interlanguages
- intermediate and advanced levels of acquisition
- international sign language
- interpersonal relationship
- interpretable vs ininterpretable features
- intonation
- Irish
- Italian as L2
- italian L1
- Italian L3 acquisition
- L1
- L1 & L2 acquisition
- L1 & L2 similarities and differences
- L1 acquisition
- L1 and L2 acquisition
- L1 influence
- L1 vs L2 acquisition
- L1-L2 comparison
- L2
- L2 acquisition
- L2 acquisition of French
- L2 Dutch
- L2 English
- L2 French
- L2 German
- L2 Italian
- L2 learners
- L2 learning
- L2 lexical acquisition
- L2 research
- L2 status factor
- L3
- L3 acquisition
- L3 development
- L3 learning
- L4
- language activation
- language as activity
- language capacity
- language creation
- language development
- language ecology
- language learning
- language mode
- language production
- language socialization
- language teaching.
- language transfer
- late acquisition
- learner
- learner profile
- learning
- left periphery
- lexical
- lexical access
- lexical acquisition
- lexical activation
- lexical and grammatical proficiency
- lexical borrowings
- lexical repertoire
- lexical selection
- lexical specification
- lexical transfer
- liaison
- linguistic knowledge
- longitudinal data
- low level
- participation
- particle
- passé composé
- past tense
- pedagogical grammar
- perception
- Persian
- phonetic variation
- phonological representation
- phonology
- pidgins
- places discursives
- plurilingualism
- Polish
- polish L1
- pragmatics
- Principles and Parameters
- process of speaking
- Processability Theory
- production
- production skills
- proficiency
- pronunciation (segmental/global)
- propositional representation
- prosodic unit
- prototypical processing
- psychotypology
- scaffolding
- school
- scope
- scope particles
- second language
- second language acquisition
- second language acquisition in the classroom
- second language learning
- semantic development
- semiogenesis of language
- shared background
- sign language
- sign languages
- simultaneity
- situation
- social interaction
- socialization
- socio-cultural theory
- socio-linguistic competence
- space
- Spanish
- spanish L1
- spatial discourse
- speaker’s enunciative point of view
- speaking process
- speech act
- speech perception/ segmentation
- spoken word recognition
- spontaneous L2 acquisition
- stage of development
- standard signs
- strong/weak language
- subject-verb agreement
- subordination
- Surinamese Creoles
- Swedish L3
- syntactic and discourses complexity
- syntactic development
- syntax
- syntax-pragmatics interaction