Lieux – Émirats Arabes Unis
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Shii News and Resources is an academic blog created and maintained by Dr. Andrew Neman, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Edinburgh.If some sections of this very promising website are still under construction, other sections make available to researchers a large amount of primary and secondary sources focusing on Shii Islam from the early ages up to the contemporary period. On the home page, an interesting and regularly updated select(…)Paru dans Aldébaran, Blogs et listes de diffusion
Based at Yale University Library, The Arabic Middle Eastern Electronic Library is a collaborative project started in 2005. It is both a portal and a digital collection of resources for the study of the Middle East. With more than 10 international participants, including Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Brill Academic Publishers, or Oxford University Press, AMEEL is a very ambitious project aiming to: “develop an infrastructure for digital content”, “digitize key journals”, “build and expand capacity f(…)Paru dans Aldébaran, Portails thématiques
Founded in 2006 on the initiative of the Lebanese Association for Educational Studies (LAES), the Arab Educational Information Network is an online database documenting educational research produced in Arab countries. If the pilot project was exclusively funded by research grants received from the Ford Foundation, funding now comes from various sources such as the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in the Arab States, the Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States (ABEGS), the Kuwait Soc(…)Paru dans Aldébaran, Portails thématiques