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Anaïs Salamon

SALT Research digital collections

09/03/2017, Nota revisada el 09/03/2017

SALT Research comprises a specialized library, and an archive of physical and digital sources and documents on visual practices, the built environment, social life and economic history.

Collections at SALT Research focus on the period from the late 19th century to the present day with an emphasis on Turkey -primarily Istanbul- and the geographies of the Southeast Mediterranean and Southeast Europe.

The collections, some of which were digitized, include visual and textual sources and documents on the art history of Turkey post 1950, the development of architecture and design in Turkey since the beginning of the 20th century, and the transformations in society and the region from the last century of the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic until the 1990s.

SALT Research collections are discoverable either by browsing by collection, or searching (simple and advanced search available). The advanced search allows to cross no less than twleve fields among which creator, resource type, provenance, etc. in addition to traditional search fields such as title, date, or language.

Both browsed collections and search results appear in a table of two columns displaying minimal bibliographic information and direct access to digitized materials. Images, which are very high definition, can be downloaded in JPG by a simple click.

The interface is bilingual Turkish/English.

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Referencia electrónica

Anaïs Salamon, « SALT Research digital collections », Aldébaran, Collections numériques, [En línea], Puesto en línea el 09 marzo 2017 18h06. URL : Consultado el 16 abril 2024.

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