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Anaïs Salamon

Shii News and Resources

31/05/2017, Kurzinfo überarbeitet am 31/05/2017

Shii News and Resources is an academic blog created and maintained by Dr. Andrew Neman, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Edinburgh.If some sections of this very promising website are still under construction, other sections make available to researchers a large amount of primary and secondary sources focusing on Shii Islam from the early ages up to the contemporary period. On the home page, an interesting and regularly updated selection of scholarly and non-scholarly articles is published. The right hand side menu gives access to different types of resources and information: News includes articles from the press, Field-specific-academic focuses on academic articles on Shii Islam, and Academic items is used for job postings, funding and awards opportunities, etc. The blog is also susbcribed to RSS feeds of BBC Middle East, Al Jazeera Middle East, الجزيرة.نت, BBC Arabic, and BBC Farsi which are accessible at the very bottom of the right hand side menu.

The other sections of the blog can be accessed via the top menu:

-        a pedagogical Overview of Shiism comprises a selection of Introductory works, and pages about Shii rituals, Shii history, and Shii ‘Sects’

-        forty-one Country profiles

-        SNR Reviews meant for books and articles reviews

-        Discussion Forums by country

-        Useful links sub-categorized in “Digital materials”, “Manuscripts and Book sites”, “News agencies”, “Miscellaneous”, and “Anti-Shii sites”

-        Projects focuses on the author’s personal research projects: “The Unthought in Islam” and “The Subalterns Project”.

The interface is in English, but source documents are in English, Arabic and Persian.



Anaïs Salamon, « Shii News and Resources », Aldébaran, Blogs et listes de diffusion, [Online], Online erschienen am: 31 Mai 2017 21h41. URL : Besucht am 11 September 2024.

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