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Anaïs Salamon

Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO)

09/06/2017, Kurzinfo überarbeitet am 09/06/2017

WIEGO is a network of individuals and institutions from membership-based organizations (trade unions, cooperatives and worker associations), academia, and development agencies (inter-governmental, governmental, and non-governmental). WIEGO was established in April 1997 with a simple objective: increasing the visibility of informal workers, especially women, and understanding the value of their contribution to national economies. Today, WIEGO has become a major action-research-policy network and continues to grow.

The Informal Economy section of the website contains to a lot of primary and secondary source documents on informal economy, including a historical overview of the concept, and of the debates around it, regional informality data and statistics, articles investigating the relationships between informality and poverty, a picture of occupational groups, some policies and programmes, and a selection of testimonies of informal workers in various fields (i.e. construction workers, domestic workers, garment workers, farmers, street and market vendors, waste pickers).

WIEGO also produces a wide range of Publications & Resources including books, briefs, reports, studies, or training kits all available for download in PDF:

The Global News’ section of the website features a selection of news articles about informal economy collected from worldwide newspapers and journals. It is possible to subscribe to a weekly news roundup.

Last, WIEGO maintains Blogs focusing on a variety of topics such as Global Advocacy, Law, Livelihood or Social Protection.

The website is available in Spanish, French, Portuguese and English.




Anaïs Salamon, « Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) », Aldébaran, Portails thématiques, [Online], Online erschienen am: 09 Juni 2017 21h43. URL : Besucht am 11 November 2024.

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