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Instructions to authors

Manuscripts must be sent to the editorial office (or to one of the members of the Editorial Board) in electronic form. They must not be more than 15 pages long (30 lines, with 1,5 line spacing and Times New Roman 12 point font-size; or 40 to 45,000 characters, spaces included).

The paper will be reviewed by two referees appointed by the Editorial Board of the journal.

After final acceptance of the paper by the Editorial Board, the author will be asked to edit the text to follow journal standards.

On the revised electronic file, the author will also have to specify his/her position and affilations, his/her institutional address (as well as personal address to receive copies of the journal issue) and add an abstract in the same language as the article (no more than 10 lines). In order to facilitate international diffusion, the author will also translate the abstract into English and into French or German (depending on the language used in the article).


When an article deals with current events, it should indicate the date when it was completed.

Typographic rules

Capitals are used sparingly in French. They must bear accent marks to facilitate reading. Examples:

  • Only the first word in the name of an institution or organization must be capitalized (ex:Union européenne, Centre national de la recherché scientifique). Acronyms can be written with only the first letter capitalized (ex: Unesco);

  • The initial letters of names and surnames are capitalized (ex: Jean Dupont). The surname is written in lower-case letters within the main text. Small capitals are only used for the bibliographical references in the footnotes;

  • Names referring to nationalities are capitalized, unlike adjectives (ex: les Anglais, la langue anglaise);

  • Directional terms are capitalized when referring to the name of a region (ex: le Sud de la France) but not if it’s just a compass point (ex: au sud);

  • In the name of a multiple institutional body, only the specific noun that individualizes it is capitalized (ex: la préfecture de l’Ain, le ministère du Travail);

  • The first noun in the name of a unique body is capitalized, the adjective that follows is in lowercase (ex: le Conseil constitutionnel). Exception : when the adjective is placed before the noun, it is also capitalized (ex.: la Haute Cour);

  • Titles and positions are not capitalized (ex.: directeur général). Exception: Premier ministre;

  • Days and months are not capitalized (ex.: jeudi 1er janvier).

Articles written in German or English must respect the standard rules regarding capital letters.

Quotations must be exactly similar to the original text and must be referenced (author, date, and origin: in a book, on a monument etc.). The author is responsible for checking their accuracy.

  • Short quotations should be run within the main text and appear between quotation marks;

  • Longer quotations (more than 2 or 3 lines) should be set off from the main text;

  • Deletions from quotations are indicated by […].

Note identifiers follow immediately (no space) the word they reference and are placed before all other punctuation marks.


The name of the author of the book or article should be written in small capitals, the title of the book or journal in italics.

The title of articles should be placed between quotation marks. When the article is taken from a journal, the title should be followed by a comma, and then by the name of the journal.

When the article comes from a collective work, the title should be followed by a comma, then by in: and the title of the work.

Common abbreviations

Page : p.

Confer: cf.


Jean Boutier, Dominique Julia (éd.), Passés recomposés. Champs et chantiers de l’histoire, Paris, Autrement, 1995, p. 145-151.

Arne Radtke, Bernd Zielinski, « La mémoire unifiée ? L’héritage équivoque des archives de la RDA », Vingtième siècle, n° 34 (1992), p. 63.

Étienne François, « Les ‘trésors’ de la Stasi ou le mirage des archives », in : Jean Boutier, Dominique Julia (dir.), Passés recomposés. Champs et chantiers de l’histoire, Paris, Autrement, 1995, p. 145-151.

To avoid repeating the same works in the footnotes

Use ibid. when the work has just been quoted before.

When the work has been quoted further up, mention the initial letter of the name of the author, his surname, the (shortened) title of the work, and in between brackets the number of the footnote where it was first referenced.

Ex: É. François, « Les ‘trésors’ de la Stasi » (note 3).

Graphs and figures

All graphs and figures must be cited in the text (N° – caption). The numbers must correspond to the files attached with the text.

Graphs must be supplied as .xlsx files.

Figures and photographs must be supplied in high resolution (300 dpi), at the actual print size, in easily exploitable formats (.tif or .eps files…). The files should clearly mention that permission has been granted by the copyrights holders and indicate all legal notices.

Technical reminder : Images taken from the internet cannot meet the necessary standards for printing since their resolution is only 72 dpi.


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