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Presentation of the journal Revue d’Allemagne

The Revue d’Allemagne et des pays de langue allemande is a multidisciplinary journal, founded in 1969 by Roger Bauer, François Bilger, François-Georges Dreyfus and Alfred Grosser. Published by the Société d’Études Allemandes, it focuses on the contemporary German-speaking areas, including not only Germany, Austria and the German-speaking part of Switzerland, but also regions which have been historically connected with the German-speaking world, such as the Baltic states, central and eastern Europe, or the different areas inhabited by German minority groups around the world.

The Revue d’Allemagne is interested in exploring the current-day problems of the area thus defined, by using insights derived from the historical, legal, political, economic or sociological sciences, or cultural studies in a broad sense. It welcomes debates on substantive issues, in order to offer interpretations and allow for a better comprehension of the developments affecting German-speaking societies today.

The Revue d’Allemagne is heir to the University of Strasbourg’s long-standing and multidisciplinary interest in German studies. It relies on the contributions of several of the University’s research units dealing with questions linked to the German-speaking world, some of whose members are represented in the Editorial Board. The board, in charge of defining the editorial policies of the journal, meets three times a year and is regularly renewed by co-option. The Scientific Committee of the journal is composed of internationally renowned scholars in the field, whose role is to provide expert advice to the Editorial Board.

The journal is biannual, and each issue is devoted to a specific theme. The thematic section usually provides a multidisciplinary perspective on a specific issue related to the German-speaking world, but can sometimes emphasize a single disciplinary approach. Every issue also includes a “varia” section, in which the work of young scholars, young PhD holders and PhD students can be highlighted, as well as in-depth book reviews.

Since its foundation, the Revue d’Allemagne has been publishing articles in French (with German or English abstracts) and in German (with French or English abstracts). It also welcomes articles in English when the use of French or German is not possible. The papers are first published in a print version then are made freely available online one year after publication.

The journal benefits from the financial support of the University of Strasbourg’s research units forming part of the Editorial Board, of other research organizations that can occasionally contribute to the publication of specific issues (GIS Mondes Germaniques, CIERA, other research units outside of Strasbourg) and of the Société des Amis des Universités de l’Académie de Strasbourg.

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