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Publishing policies


By submitting an article to the journal, authors confirm that they hold copyright for the material being submitted and/or the permission to reproduce any included copyrighted material used in the article. Authors are therefore asked to contact the owners, authors and publishers of the material they want to include in their article before submitting the final version in order to seek permission to use their copyrighted material.

Authors whose texts have been accepted automatically grant permanently the Alsic journal the right to edit, adapt, publish and disseminate their texts. They are free to re-publish these works (in printed or electronic form) subject to the following conditions:

  • they clearly indicate the references to the original publication in Alsic;

  • they notify the journal's editorial management team.

Manuscripts that have already been published or have been submitted for publication to another journal will not be considered. It is assumed that once authors have submitted an article to the Alsic journal, it will not be sent to other publishers until a decision about acceptance has been made. 

Submitted articles containing substantial portions of others’ work with mentioning the source are considered plagiarism and will not be considered for publication. Submitted articles containing large portions of the authors’ own published work without mentioning it are considered self-plagiarism and will not be considered for publication. If (self-)plagiarism is identified after the publication of the article, the article will be removed or revised in case of minor plagiarism.

Alsic accepts submissions of articles on specific aspects of larger studies or using the same data (entirely or partly) as previous publications or submissions. However, authors are required to clearly mention in their paper where the previous article is published or under review and to explain the originality of the submitted paper. 


Authors whose texts have been accepted release the Alsic journal from any claim or action by a third party (editors, authors, etc.) whose copyright has been infringed, deliberately or not. 

Quality management

Authors are responsible for the content of their manuscript (including graphical elements, collection and presentation of data), for the exactitude of references and quotations.

Data sharing

Alsic supports Open Science and Open Data and encourages authors to consider sharing their data collection materials. Several repositories are available online, for example Zenodo, a repository especially designed for EC funded research, the IRIS database or Ortolang for linguistic data.

Interested researchers can find resources for training in data sharing at DoRANum, the online training platform for research data management and sharing that meets the FAIR principles: Facile à trouver (Easy to Find), Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.

Anonymisation of submissions

Authors are required to send two versions of their paper when submitting: an integral version and an anonymised version. The latter does not include any indication that would allow to recognise the identity of the authors, their institutions or research projects the publication is based on.  

Peer review

The selection procedure for the Alsic Research column, as well as for the Practice and research column, follows strict scientific criteria. All submitted papers are anonymously double-blind peer-reviewed by two or three experts. These experts are renowned experts from different countries, members of the journal’s scientific committee or eventually other specialists of the topic tackled or research methods used in a submitted paper. 

Periodicity of publication

Publication on a rolling basis, with one to three issues per year.


The journal is published in open access.


The Alsic Journal is currently hosted on the OpenEdition website. Publications in this journal made on former hosting websites have been integrated into the current website. The journal takes all reasonable steps to preserve access to the papers published. If ever the journal would cease its publishing activity, access will be insured on the OpenEdition website or another open access database. 

Revenue sources

Alsic is edited by Adalsic (Association for the development of language learning through information and communication systems), a non-profit organisation. Adalsic’s revenue sources are subscriptions to the OpenEdition Freemium for Journals bundle, member fees, amounts related to the editing of special issues and to the organisation of occasional scientific events in which Alsic members are involved. These revenues are dedicated to covering costs related to editing activities of the Alsic editorial board and to enhancing the journal’s visibility. 

Competing interests

Authors submitting an article are required to declare any potential competing interests (affiliations, financial relationships, personal relationships, or funding sources that could be perceived as influencing the author’s objectivity) that could interfere with the objectivity or integrity of a publication. 

In order to avoid any conflict of interest, the journal first sends the title, keywords and abstract of the paper to potential reviewers. Should reviewers recognise the author(s) of the paper and identify a possible conflict of interest, they won’t be considered for reviewing the article. 

Research ethics

The Alsic Journal aligns with the Code de conduite européen pour l’intégrité en recherche / The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity

The journal commits to prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct was found. In the event that misconduct (plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data falsification/fabrication, etc.) is identified after publication, the journal will take steps to remove or correct the article and to publish clarification.

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