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Bulletin Amades brings together information about social sciences and health. It presents works in health and anthropology, details of conferences and training days, conference proceedings, details of journals, bibliographical analyses, and practical information, such as calls for tender, useful addresses, etc. Each issue also contains a short article that attempts to shed anthropological light on a question of current issues in the area of health and/or development.

The journal ceased publishing at Issue 87 of 2013.

Latest issue
87 | 2013

Editor's notes

Le quatre-vingt-septième numéro du bulletin d'Amades a été écrit et préparé par : Mélanie Agron, Francesca Arena, Olivier Bernard, Baptiste Brossard, Coralie Caudullo, Claire Chabot, Cyril Farnarier, Anahita Grisoni, Judith Hermann-Mefsen, Baptiste Moutaud, Sandrine Musso, Janina Kehr, Alexandre Klein, Ghizlaine Lahmadi, Nora Liberalotto, Nadège Mazars, Alexandra Quatrehomme, Juliette Sakoyan, Aurélien Troisoeufs, Oumy Thiongane, Morgane Verdonck, Michela Villani.

Il a été édité et mis en ligne par Cyril Farnarier et Baptiste Moutaud.


AMADES, site de l'association

Anthropologie & Santé

Calenda - Sociologie de la santé

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