Keywords – atmosphere
Published in Ambiances, 10 | 2024
“Home” away from home? [Full text]On Moroccan veterans’ spatial experience and feeling of “strangerness” in social residences in Bordeaux (France)Published in Ambiances, 9 | 2023
The permeable and the pervasive: Approaching an understanding of atmospheres of home among Tanzanian Indians [Full text]Published in Ambiances, 9 | 2023
Les ambiances des hydrocarbures [Full text]Résister à l’emprise sensible du projet Vaca Muerta, ArgentinePublished in Ambiances, 8 | 2022
Published in Ambiances, 7 | 2021
Scenes of Studio Practice [Full text]Published in Ambiances, 7 | 2021
Quand l’air reprend son souffle [Full text]Atmosphères esthétiques et écosystèmes des concepts dans le théâtre de Philippe QuesnePublished in Ambiances, 7 | 2021
Published in Ambiances, 7 | 2021
Published in Ambiances, 6 | 2020
Le printemps à la portée des gestes. Danser le solo de l’élue dans Le sacre du printemps au XXIe siècle [Full text]Published in Ambiances, 6 | 2020
Published in Ambiances, 6 | 2020
Published in Ambiances, 5 | 2019
Published in Ambiances, 5 | 2019
A spatial experiment exploring bodily sensationsPublished in Ambiances, 4 | 2018
Published in Ambiances, 4 | 2018
Les ambiances dans les récits de visite : une source pour l’étude de la réception de l’architecture [Full text]L’exemple du nouveau Musée du Luxembourg à Paris en 1886Published in Ambiances, 2 | 2016
Atmospheric Spaces [Full text]27 April 2016Published in Ambiances, Rediscovering
Performing Everyday Practices [Full text]Atmosphere and Aesthetic Education14 November 2014Published in Ambiances, Varia
How does it feel to travel through a tunnel? [Full text]Designing a mundane transit space in Denmark15 October 2014Published in Ambiances, Varia
Luminous atmospheres [Full text]Energy politics, climate technologies, and cosiness in Denmark20 September 2013Published in Ambiances, Varia
Flux, ambiances et ré-enchantement du monde [Full text]Etude à partir de Malicroix d’Henri Bosco09 February 2013Published in Ambiances, Varia
Critical note
10 February 2013Published in Ambiances, Rediscovering