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Guide for Authors

Editorial definition

Title: Amnis

Subtitle: Revue d’études des sociétés et cultures contemporaines (Europe-Amérique)

ISSN electronic edition: 1764-7193

Frequency: annual

Date created: 2000

Publisher: TELEMME UMR 7303, Aix Marseille Université

Rights and licensing

Publication in open access

Creative Commons Creative Commons - CC BY-NC-ND 3.00

Publication costs

Publication fees: no

Submission fees: no

Review policy

Review process: double blind peer review

Average time between submission and publication: 30 weeks

Guideline for submissions

Selecting procedure

- Before undertaking to write an article, prospective contributors should inform the editor of their plans, submitting an abstract of up to twenty lines of the paper, accompanied by a short presentation of the author and his/her works. The abstract will be examined by two external assessors and the editing committee, who will judge if it is accepted or not.

- Once the project accepted, the author has to submit the article in its final version, by the authorized deadline. Before publication, submitted papers will be examined by two external assessors for evaluation. Once an article has been selected for publication, the author must guarantee the periodical exclusive rights to the article. Authors will be considered as responsible for any kind of plagiarism.


Articles must adhere to the following standards


Articles may be written in French, English or Spanish. An abstract of up to fifteen lines in French, Spanish and English must accompany each article. Articles (including notes) may not exceed 30 000 characters. Appendices are acceptable.

Page Setup, Margins :


2,5 cm


2,5 cm


3 cm


3 cm

Main Headline: 16 point Times, bold, italics. The main headline will be followed by the author’s surname, first name, institutional affiliation, and e-mail address.

Main Text: 12 point Times, simple spaced, justified by indentation of the first line (0,5 cm).

Footnotes: 10 point Times, single line spaced. No endnotes, only footnotes inserted with automatic numbering footnote, Superscript footnotes are placed before any punctuation mark. No space between the superscript footnote and the word or phrase, it refers to (example: la recherche scientifique12.).

Bibliographical formats for footnotes:

Book: Author’s Surname (standard), First Name (standard), Title, Subtitle (italics), Place of Publication, Editor, Year of publication.

Article : Author’s Surname(standard), First Name (standard), « Title of the article » (French inverted commas), Title of the source book (italics), Publisher(s)’Surname, First Name (standard) Ed. (s), Place of Publication, Publisher, Year of publication, page.

Ibid. and op. cit. : italics, with a comma separated from page number

(example: ibid., p. 60 or pp. 60-63).

Punctuation marks: It is necessary to use only French quotation marks: "« »"

Paragraphs: within the main text body new paragraphs are marked by indentation of the first line (0,5 cm).

Quotes: 10 point Times, italics, single line spaced, without quotation mark, justified, indented on the left side of the text: 0,5 cm, the superscript footnote is to be inserted before the final point. Quotes should be translated in the same language as the article. The translated quotes are included in the article, the original version of the quotes appearing in the footnotes.

Page numbers are to be centered at the bottom of the page.

Articles should be sent by e-mail to: No author fees will be paid by the periodical. As for selected articles, their publication might be briefly delayed (from two to four months). Subscription to Amnis is simple and free. Register your e-mail address on the Amnis web-site. Each new article published by Amnis will be communicated to every subscriber.

Severiano Rojo Hernandez

Amnis Chief Editor

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