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Corpo-real: in situ

Natacha Grimaud and Alexandre Galopin


This choreographed experimentation was built around the notion of one’s corporeality and how it interacts with its surroundings and the other. How are the outdoor setting’s lines and outlines blend or break with that of the dancers? How do the body and nature contrast and resonate with one another, in harmony or discord, yet seemingly and continuously reaching a status quo where one does not consume the other. She and he, alone with nature, play with its rules and its rights, turning a stable yet fluid space into an extension of themselves. The two distinctive bodies in their shapes, movements and corporeal qualities end up trying to find a balance with each other while maintaining one’s singular corporeality as well as one’s indefectible link with space. The solo becomes a duo, and the duo becomes a trio in which spatial conceptions adjust and become one and the same for the two dancing bodies, turning space into a common place where the imperceptible becomes palpable: a catalyst through which harmonious togetherness can be found and fulfilled.

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Corpo-Real: in situ (Natacha Grimaud & Alexandre Galopin)

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Electronic reference

Natacha Grimaud and Alexandre Galopin, Corpo-real: in situAngles [Online], 2 | 2016, Online since 01 April 2016, connection on 09 February 2025. URL:; DOI:

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About the authors

Natacha Grimaud

Natacha Grimaud started to study dance at the Paris’ Opera in 1987 before graduating from the Rosella Hightower School of Dance in Cannes in 1994. She then worked with different ballets including the ones of Nice and Karlsruhe before integrating the Ballet du Nord with Maryse Delente in 1996. There she also collaborated on plays with Nils Christie, Paul Taylor or Jean-Claude Gallotta. She left the ballet in 2002 to join the Ballet Preljocaj where she has been a pivotal dancer of the company until 2015.

Alexandre Galopin

Alexandre Galopin graduated from the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et Danse of Paris in 2005, and has, ever since, been working for numerous choreographers. He first worked with Abou Lagraa in Cutting Flat and then for Dorianne Larcher before joining the Ballet Preljocaj in 2006 where he danced for 3 years. He left in 2009 and has worked, notably, with choreographers such as David Drouard, Marco Becherini, Christian Bourigault, François Laroche-Valière and Jean-Claude Gallotta with whom he collaborated for the past 3 years on Daphnis é Chloé and The Rite of Spring.

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