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Submission Guidelines


For a speedy treatment of all submissions, please follow the following guidelines.

Submission procedure

Material submitted to Angles must not been published previously, in part or in whole, and should not be simultaneously under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Inquiries should be sent to the General Editors: Laura Goudet (laura.goudet[at] and Anne-Valérie Dulac (avdulac[at]

All submissions should be uploaded to the submissions website:

Receipt of proposals will be acknowledged by email.

Topic submission for a thematic issue

Prospective Guest editors are invited to send the following data to the General Editor:

  • name(s), email(s), affiliation(s), short bio(s);

  • proposed topic for the thematic section, with a rationale or a sample Call for Papers (500-750 words max.);

  • list of prospective contributors (if applicable).

All topics should relate to the Anglophone world (e.g. in the choice of corpus, theoretical framework, etc.), without limitation on the discipline or the approach chosen. We particularly welcome proposals that include different sub-disciplines, periods, geographic areas, etc. All submissions must be in English.

Prospective guest editors should be willing to submit their introduction to their thematic issue in a non-traditional format, typically in the form of a video. The journal’s Editorial Team usually assists guest editors in this regard, and you do not need prior video-making skills to submit a proposal.

Please note that proposals stemming from conference proceedings will be considered only if guest editors are willing to expand and rework the prospective issue in line with the editorial policy of the journal (notably concerning risk-taking and experimentation). Additionally, as all contributions will be submitted to the usual double-blind peer review process, it is common to expect a certain number of rejections.

Guest editors do not need to be members of the SAES to submit a proposal. International guest editors and contributors are welcome. Proposals by early career researchers (ECR) are equally welcome.

Article submission (for Varia or Thematic sections)

Articles for Angles should include the following items in separate paragraphs:

  • title

  • subtitle (optional)

  • abstract (400 words max.)

  • keywords (separated by commas)

  • résumé (in French, 400 words max.) [if you do not speak French, please leave this blank]

  • mots clés (in French, separated by commas) [if you do not speak French, please leave this blank]

  • body text and footnotes

  • bibliography

To ensure anonymity, please add a second file including only the following information:

  • title

  • subtitle (optional)

  • author

  • position, affiliation, email

  • biographical information

Submissions should be written in English. Quotations in languages other than French should include a translation.

Please use standard formatting: Times New Roman, 12pt, single spaced. Avoid personalized layouts. For headings, use standard styles (eg. ‘Heading 1’, ‘Heading 2’…).

It is preferable to download a sample template by clicking on this link.

All submissions go through a double-blind peer-review process. Please try to obfuscate references in the body text and footnotes which could compromise the anonymity of the submitted material.

Standard length for articles vary between 5,000 and 8,500 words, but there is no restriction on the length of the papers. Audiovisual submissions should not exceed 45mn. Exceptions are made upon prior approval.

For submissions of material in non-traditional forms, please contact the Editor for more details.

For submissions for the Varia section, please upload only complete articles. For submissions for the thematic sections, please contact the appropriate guest editor(s) and calls for papers for details and deadlines.


Thematic issue proposal

  1. Proposal is accepted or rejected by the editorial board within 45 days (rolling deadline);

  2. Publication: 6 months minimum, 3 years maximum, with an average of 12 to 24 months after acceptance (the detailed calendar is discussed with prospective guest editors).

Thematic article submission

  1. Abstract: notification of acceptance or rejection within 30 days after the deadline for submission of abstracts;

  2. Peer review: completed within 60 days after the finalised article is received;

  3. Acceptance or rejection: decision made within 90 days after the finalised article is received;

  4. Publication: completed within 6 months after the deadline for finalised articles.

Example: if the deadline to send an abstract is January 1 Year Y, and if the deadline to send completed articles is September 1 Year Y, the deadline for publication of an article which has been accepted is: September 1 Year Y + 6 months = March 1 Year Y+1, even if the completed article was submitted March 1 Year Y.

Varia article submission

  1. Peer review: completed within 60 days after the complete submission is received;

  2. Acceptance or rejection: decision made within 90 days after the complete submission is received;

  3. Publication: within 6 months after the revised and final submission is received (if applicable).


Short quotations (up to three lines) are enclosed in the body text using double quotation marks (“…”). Single quotation marks (‘…’) are used for quotes within quotes. The addition or omission of words should be indicated within square brackets (not ellipses).

Long quotations (over 3 lines) should be set off as 10-pt block quotations (style name: ‘Citation’), separated from the body text by a single blank line, without quotation marks or indentation. Punctuation marks must be placed before the in-text reference given between brackets.


Footnotes (not endnotes) are used for comments. Footnotes are indicated in-text by superscript Arabic numbers after the punctuation of the phrase to which the note refers.


All references should appear in Author-date between brackets. The referencing style is detailed below. Footnotes should only be reserved for additional comments.

Works cited in the text and footnotes should all be listed in the bibliography. The bibliography may wish to distinguish types of sources (for eg., primary and secondary sources; or films, articles, books, etc.). This is optional.

If the article or paragraph focuses on one single author or work, any redundant information may be omitted and page numbers might be sufficient.

Please include DOI whenever possible.

In-text references

(Author date)

(Author date: page)

Multiple references are separated by a semi-colon (;). Page numbers are elided whenever possible (eg. 33-8, not 33-38).


Lorem ipsum (Smith 1776) dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum (Smith 1776: 37-9) dolor sit amet.

According to Smith (1776: 37) lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet (Smith 1776; Dante 1499a: 130-142; Dante 1499b: 24, 88).

Do not…

add commas (Smith, 1776)


Last name, First name.
Title. Trans. First Name Last Name. Place of publication: Publisher, [date of first publication] date of publication.

Edited books
Last name, First name, ed. Title. Place of publication: Publisher, [date of first publication] date of publication.

In books
Last name, First name. “Chapter title.” In
Book title. Ed. First name Last name. Place of publication: Publisher, [date of first publication] date of publication. Pagination.

Last name, First name. “Article title.”
Journal title volume (issue), date of publication: pagination. DOI: 10.4000/journal.12345

Several authors
Last name, First name, First Name Last Name and First Name Last Name. [etc.]

Please abbreviate ‘University Press’: UP, and ‘University of Qwerty Press’: U. of Qwerty P.

Include the URL, but do not include date when last accessed, unless the URL is no longer accessible at the time of submission. In this case, try to include an archived version (see, for instance,

Include clickable DOI whenever possible in the form: DOI: 10234/5678910.


Smith, Adam. The Wealth of Nations. Edinburgh: William Strahan and Thomas Cadell, 1776.

Smith, Adam. The Wealth of Nations. John Smith (ed.). Oxford: Oxford UP, [1776] 1980.

Racine, Jean. Phaedra. In Iphigenia; Phaedra; Athaliah. Trans. and Ed. John Cairncross. London: Penguin Books, [1667] 1963. 129-216.

Teach, Nathan. “Smith’s tale to the world.” Economic Review 38(3) 1999: 400-423. DOI: 10.4000/journal.12345

Varia, Maria and Allie Smith. “Economics in Scotland.” In The Posterity of Adam Smith. Eds. John Smith and Emily Wesson. Berkeley: U. of California P., 1980. 45-9.

Tables and illustrations

Illustrations must be placed in the body of the text by the author. The text must explicitly refer to the illustration. Refer as follows:


Figure 1: Portrait of P.G. Wodehouse. [Apply style: Illustration Title]


Caption (if necessary). [Apply style: IllustrationTitle]

Credit or Source (including URL whenever possible). [Apply style: IllustrationCredits]

Titles of illustrations must be placed above the illustration. Captions and Credit/sources must be placed below the illustration. Include illustrations with the highest possible resolution.


  • Sample template (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document – 91k)
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