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Editorial Policy

Aim and Scope

Angles: French Perspectives on the Anglophone World is an international online peer-reviewed journal published biannually by the SAES (Société des Anglicistes de l’Enseignement Supérieur).

This interdisciplinary journal has a triple aim:

  • to encourage innovative interdisciplinary research;

  • to make cutting-edge research freely available;

  • to make full use of the possibilities offered by digital publication by encouraging the use of different modes of expression: text, image, video, podcasts, hyperlinks…

Each thematic issue contains 8-12 articles selected by a guest editor after a double-blind peer-review process. Additional, off-topic articles submitted to the same double-blind peer-review process are published in a separate section. These off-topic articles may respond to articles previously published in Angles.

The journal fosters scholarly risk-taking and experimentation by junior and senior researchers. Angles accepts academic contributions partly, or wholly, in non-traditional forms (documentary film, short story, comic book, manifesto, pamphlet…). Angles also encourages proposals from specialists wishing to explore a different field of study than their own.

Copyright / Open Access

All articles are fully Open Access. The copyright is retained by the author(s) under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Authors are allowed to self-archive all versions of their contributions, including the published version, provided due reference to the original publication is visible.

Authors are not charged publication fees (APCs), as these are fully covered by the SAES.

All submissions must be original research. We will not consider articles being simultaneously submitted elsewhere, nor will we print essays to appear in a book published within 6 months of scheduled publication by Angles.

The Journal will archive the entirety of its content to HAL ( and to preserve access to the journal content in the event the journal is no longer published.


All topics should relate to the Anglophone world (eg. in the choice of corpus, theoretical framework, etc.), without limitation on the discipline or the approach chosen. We particularly welcome proposals that include different sub-disciplines, periods, geographic areas, etc.

Submission guidelines

Receipt of manuscripts will be acknowledged by email. Detailed information and deadlines for prospective Authors and Guest editors is available here:

Book reviews

Angles does not publish Book reviews.

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