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HomeCall for papersCall for papers – closedNo.29 - Linguistic and Interdisci...

No.29 - Linguistic and Interdisciplinary Approaches in Argumentation

Deadline for sending in the proposals: December 15th 2019

Proposals should be sent to, and to before December 15th 2019. Please follow the guidelines for submission available on the following page:

This issue welcomes all topics regarding argumentation, whether they deal with discourse analysis, corpus studies, applied linguistics, or the study of prosody and intonation. For example, proposals may focus on the compilation and study of corpora of texts from various argumentative genres (political speeches and discourses, news articles and editorials, scientific papers, etc.), the study of specific markers, related topics such as rhetoric or explanation, the annotation of arguments or of elements of arguments, argument schemes or selected components of arguments schemes, studies of argument strength, the creation of lexical resources and knowledge for argument mining, or prosody and intonation in oral argumentation. This list is by no means exhaustive.

Proposals offering an interdisciplinary approach on argumentation between English linguistics and other fields of English studies and/or communication studies are especially welcome, as long as they maintain a strong focus on linguistics.

True to its original vocation, Anglophonia welcomes studies in English linguistics from all theoretical backgrounds, whether explicitly conducted in relation to general linguistics or not. This particular issue is also open to papers in contrastive linguistics involving both English and French.


Amossy R., 2010, L’argumentation dans le discours, Paris: Armand Colin.

Anscombre J. C. and Ducrot O., 1983, L’argumentation dans la langue, Bruxelles: Mardaga.

Van Eemeren F. and Grootendorst R., 1992, Argumentation, Communication and Fallacies: A Pragma-Dialectical Perspective, Hillsdale: Erlbaum.

Van Eemeren F., Grootendorst R., and Snoeck Henkemans F., 2002, Argumentation,

Analysis, Evaluation, Presentation, London: Routledge.

Mochales Palau R. and Moens M.-F., 2009, “Argumentation Mining: the Detection, Classification and Structure of Arguments in Text”, Proceeding of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (12th ICAIL).

Moeschler J., 1985, Argumentation et conversation, Paris: Hatier.

Plantin C., 1996, L’argumentation, Paris: Seuil.

Saint-Dizier P., 2017, “Knowledge-Driven Argument Mining Based on the Qualia Structure”,

Journal of Argumentation and Computation, vol. 8(2).

Walton D., Reed C., and Macagno F., 2008, Argumentation Schemes, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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