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No.31 - English Scholars’ tribute to Antoine Culioli

Deadline for sending in the proposals: December 15th 2020

This issue of Anglophonia is a tribute to the linguist Antoine Culioli (1924-2018) whose academic output and commitment to university life have deeply influenced the community of scholars in the field of English linguistics in France. As the recent note about the CLTF1 (Corpus des Textes Linguistiques Fondamentaux) explains, Antoine Culioli started his career as a researcher with a thesis he presented at Sorbonne University. It was dedicated to the study of subjunctive and coordination in Middle English. Ten years later, he parted from the Sorbonne and took an active part in the creation of the University Paris 7 (which is now called University Paris Diderot) where he brought into existence the department of Civilisation (which later became the Charles V institute).

In 1972, he also laid the foundations of a linguistics department, known as the Département de Recherches Linguistiques (DRL) on the Jussieu campus. He supervised research on various languages, including Chinese, Japanese, Greek, African and Slavic languages…, which are still studied today in the department.

In the same period, he contributed to the training of academics in English linguistics in the Institut d’Études Anglophones Charles V (Danielle Bailly, Janine Bouscaren, Alain Deschamps, Eric Gilbert, Marie-Line Groussier, Jacqueline Guillemin-Flescher, Ruth Huart, Claude Rivière, Marina Yaguello for instance) and also in other universities. Here is a non-exhaustive list of names which embody his collaboration with other universities: Jean Chuquet, Jean-Louis Duchet, Marc Fryd, Jacqueline Guéron, Albert Hamm, Jean-Jaques Lecercle, Jean-Claude Souesme, Anne Trévise. This list serves as an illustration of the broad extent of Culioli’s influence in the field of linguist scholarship in France.

During the1980s, a network of Culiolian English specialists developed, all convinced by the new approach of language enhanced by Culioli’s theory. Today, forty years later, a larger community of linguists, working on various languages are extending the theory, as can be seen, for instance, in the following:

    • 2 Bédouret-Larraburu, S. & Copy, C. (Ed.) 2018, L’épilinguistique sous le voile littéraire : Antoine (...)

    the publication of the pluridisciplinary book Bédouret-Larraburu, S. & Copy, C. (2018) 2,

    • 3 Camus, R. (Ed.) 2019, L’actualité de la théorie d’Antoine Culioli, L’Information grammaticale n°161 (...)

    the collective issue of L’Information grammaticale (2019)3 which highlights the link between theoretical issues and applied linguistics,

    • 4 Culioli, A., 2015, L’arco e la freccia : scritti scelti, Francesco de la Mantia (translation & ed.) (...)

    the translation of basic Culiolian texts into Italian in De la Mantia (2015) 4

    • 5 Filippi-Deswelle, C. (Ed.) 2012, L’ajustement dans la TOE d’Antoine Culioli, Coll. Épilogos, 3, Pub (...)

    the articles on the concept of “adjustmtent” (l’ajustement) in Filippi-Deswelle (2012)5.

  • 6 Culioli, A. 2018, Pour une linguistique de l’énonciation, Tome 4, Rémi Camus (ed.), Limoges, Lamber (...)
  • 7 Revue en ligne Diacritik, « Antoine Culioli (1924-2018) : Figure majeure de la linguistique contemp (...)

These references all echo the testimony left by Antoine Culioli in his posthumous publication: the fourth volume of Pour une linguistique de l’énonciation6. This work was characterized by Diacritik as a “magnificent testimony”.7

The aim of this issue of Anglophonia is to offer current insights into English studies in the framework of the Theory of Enunciative and Predicative Operations (TEPO). It aims at gathering a collective expression of enunciative studies based on the same epistemological ground, regardless of the variation in the objects of studies (markers, discursive genres, phonology, morphosyntax, semantics, lexicology, synchronic or diachronic approaches, didactics, psycholinguistics, etc.).

  • 8 Culioli, A. 1999, Pour une linguistique de l’énonciation, Tome 3, Janine Bouscaren (ed.), Paris, Op (...)

Contributors are invited to submit papers based on the methodology described in terms of observable phenomena (observables) in Antoine Culioli (1999, 66)8 : « There is no linguistics without a detailed observation of linguistic facts; there is no observation without a theory of observable phenomena; there is no observable phenomena without a research question; no research question without search for solutions; no solutions without reasoning; no reasoning without a system of metalinguistic representation; no system of metalinguistic representation without operations, in particular without categorisation; no categorisation without transcategoriality.”

Emphasis in the contributions should be placed on the importance of the enunciative framework applied to any specific grammar point (faits de langue), any field of English linguistics, including contrastive linguistics. Both oral and written approaches are welcome.

We also encourage co-writing, corpus-based approaches and multidisciplinary fields involving English.

Co-editors : Valérie Bourdier, Françoise Doro-Mégy and Colette Rieu


Publication de l’appel : novembre 2019

Soumission des propositions d’articles : 15 décembre 2020

Examen par le comité de lecture : janvier-mars 2021

Retour des articles finalisés : septembre 2021

Publication du numéro : automne 2021

Contacts :;



2 Bédouret-Larraburu, S. & Copy, C. (Ed.) 2018, L’épilinguistique sous le voile littéraire : Antoine Culioli et la TO(P)E, Presses Universitaires de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour.

3 Camus, R. (Ed.) 2019, L’actualité de la théorie d’Antoine Culioli, L’Information grammaticale n°161, Paris.

4 Culioli, A., 2015, L’arco e la freccia : scritti scelti, Francesco de la Mantia (translation & ed.), Bologne, Il Mulino.

5 Filippi-Deswelle, C. (Ed.) 2012, L’ajustement dans la TOE d’Antoine Culioli, Coll. Épilogos, 3, Publication électronique de l’ERIAC, Rouen.

6 Culioli, A. 2018, Pour une linguistique de l’énonciation, Tome 4, Rémi Camus (ed.), Limoges, Lambert Lucas.

7 Revue en ligne Diacritik, « Antoine Culioli (1924-2018) : Figure majeure de la linguistique contemporaine » voir

8 Culioli, A. 1999, Pour une linguistique de l’énonciation, Tome 3, Janine Bouscaren (ed.), Paris, Ophrys. « Pas de linguistique sans observations profondément détaillées ; pas d’observations sans théorie des observables ; pas d’observables sans problématique ; pas de problématique qui ne se ramène à des problèmes ; pas de problèmes sans la recherche de solutions ; pas de solutions sans raisonnement ; pas de raisonnement sans système de représentation métalinguistique ; pas de système de représentation métalinguistique sans opérations, en particulier sans catégorisation ; pas de catégorisation sans transcatégorialité. » (Traduit en anglais par les éditrices).

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