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Autres enseignements et recherche
III. Équipes accueillies au Collège de France
Institut de physique

Recherches sur la physique mésoscopique à partir de graphène et de jonctions Josephson / Josephson junction spectroscopy of mesoscopic systems

Çağlar Girit
p. 711-712

Texte intégral


Responsable : Çağlar Girit

Page web :​.

1Superconducting weak links continue to be a fascinating area of research in condensed matter physics despite being discovered more than half a century ago. This year, our group published two theory papers on the Andreev molecule, a system of two weak links connected to three superconductors. We also published a theory preprint on the Josephson quantum Hall effect device, a five Josephson tunnel junction circuit with a topologically non-trivial energy spectrum. This device also quantizes transconductance and is therefore an all-superconducting system which displays an effective quantum Hall effect. Our goal is to probe the energy spectrum and demonstrate that the circuit is topologically non-trivial.

2As for experiments, we have fabricated and tested two different superconducting devices: an on-chip Josephson junction based spectrometer, and an ultra low noise tunable voltage source for mesoscopic physics. We proposed a novel design for the spectrometer and demonstrated that it works as expected. We then performed linear and non-linear spectroscopy of the energy spectrum of a high-frequency microwave-SQUID in the 40-50 GHz range. We measured the sensitivity of the spectrometer and showed that it outperforms existing ones in a combination of frequency range, coupling, and sensitivity. In the second experiment, we demonstrated that using a Josephson tunnel junction with proper microwave engineering and calibration, one can obtain a stable, continuously tunable, voltage source in the 10 microvolt to 100 microvolt range which has metrological precision and accuracy. Such a source can be used to reduce the emission linewidth of our spectrometer, as well as for experiments on superconducting qubits or semiconductor systems where voltage fluctuations are problematic.


3Pillet J.-D., Benzoni V., Griesmar J., Smirr J.-L. et Girit Ç., « Scattering description of Andreev molecules », SciPost Physics Core, vol. 2, no 2, 2020, art. 009,​10.21468/​SciPostPhysCore.2.2.009.

Peyruchat L., Griesmar J., Pillet J.-D. et Girit Ç., « Transconductance quantization in a topological Josephson tunnel junction circuit », Physical Review Research, vol. 3, no 1, 2021, art. 013289,​10.1103/​PhysRevResearch.3.013289.

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Référence papier

Çağlar Girit, « Recherches sur la physique mésoscopique à partir de graphène et de jonctions Josephson / Josephson junction spectroscopy of mesoscopic systems »L’annuaire du Collège de France, 121 | 2024, 711-712.

Référence électronique

Çağlar Girit, « Recherches sur la physique mésoscopique à partir de graphène et de jonctions Josephson / Josephson junction spectroscopy of mesoscopic systems »L’annuaire du Collège de France [En ligne], 121 | 2024, mis en ligne le 01 octobre 2024, consulté le 05 décembre 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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Çağlar Girit

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