8.2 | 2020
Visual Essays in Post-Digital Habitats
Sous la direction de Paolo SH Favéro
Audio-visual-sensory Essays in Post-Digital Times [Texte intégral]Communicating Anthropological Knowledge Across the Multimodal, Multisensory, Participatory and More-than-human
Visualizing Data Shadow Donation [Texte intégral]Translating data shadows and their donation into an interactive visual form
In Search of the Unknown [Texte intégral]The Visual Essay as a Method of Exploration, Through an Artistic and Participatory Process
Presence and Absence in Mollusc Lifeworlds and Visual Essays [Texte intégral]
Crafting Essays on Life [Texte intégral]Reflections on multimodal approaches and renditions of anthropological research
Multisensory Ethnography Through Emplaced Augmented Reality [Texte intégral]