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Nadine Wanono
This article is a translation of:
Éditorial  [fr]

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1For this second year of publication, the editorial team of Anthrovision states its intention to promote and to encourage exchanges between researchers who are not exclusively from the anglo-saxon academic sphere, by promoting a tri-lingual online publication platform. We invite and solicit Spanish academic speakers or French academic speakers to disseminate their research on a European platform.

2The links between anthropology and digital technologies generate a growing interest in the Social Sciences, given the diversity and richness of the applications in this specific domain, but also by the questions raised by this new type of language and media. In addition, anthropologists are particularly interested in media broadcast on the internet and in their role when used or controlled by political or governmental forces.

3By insisting on the key role played by the creative process in our specific disciplines we would like to foster a process of reflexion on the difficulties inherent in the concept of intersdisciplinarity creative productions. We also want to emphasize the necessity of understanding and mastering programming language and software programmes dedicated to the analysis and writing of our documents.

4As Antonio Casilli, Vincent Puig and Bernard L’Hour describe it, a great deal of research is conceived around epistemological reformulations, the creation of new methodologies, new technological devices and also around the creative capacities developed by the language of programming. Vincent Puig and Bernard L’Hour perceive this mutation as an “anthropological rupture” induced by the digitalisation process, in the sense that it deeply modifies what Simondon called the processus of psychic and collective individuation.

5Dario Rudy prolongs this approach by introducing us to the world of musicians in order to understand their approach and their appreciations of digital tools involved in music production and more specifically in the case of improvisation. Celine Verchère and Laurent Collet, using examples from industries which choose to introduce digital technologies for implementing innovations, highlight the scope of application of these different multimedia supports either in the training sphere or in the collection and transmission of knowledge between colleagues. It also underlines the challenges of the interdisciplinary dimension and the multiple ways of taking account of the words of “users”. In this context, the first results have demonstrated that this approach and methodology leads researchers to a double creative focus: on the content gathered but also on the manipulation of digital platforms.

6Laura Cardus, Véronique Duchesne specifically and with great acuity pose the question of the role of different media platforms in the constitution and recognition of identity in social or political groups who may directly affect the social balance. From the suspicion of recuperation on one hand to the “detournement” of documents on the other, media on the internet reminds us of the risk, the bias and the inherent power linked to all media broadcast worldwide.

7Alice Aterianus-Owanga underlines the ways social and personal identity can be shaped by the dreams of international recognition of Hip Hop singers defending their  « singular identity ». This contribution reflects the growing amount of research done using the Internet for fieldnotes and accentuates the necessity for us to constantly renew our writing competencies.

8This third issue of Anthrovision advocates the renewal of the writing process and the promotion of articles challenging the reconfiguration of our discipline, the evolution of the interactions between technological abilities and epistemological boundaries, the constraints of the confrontation between the expressions of creative research and the creation of new standards in an academic context. Without wishing to indulge a hedonistic perception of the Internet we would nonetheless like to draw attention to the crucial promises and challenges raised by these innovative narrative forms, in which imagination and creation must be combined with the issues contemporary societies are facing when dealing with the question of individual or collective representation.

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Electronic reference

Nadine Wanono, “Editorial”Anthrovision [Online], 2.1 | 2014, Online since 26 July 2014, connection on 15 October 2024. URL:; DOI:

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About the author

Nadine Wanono

Researcher, Chief Editor Anthrovision


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