Introduction to Varia 2024
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1In 2009, AoFood editorial committee launched a new collection: “Varia in progress”. The object of this collection is to welcome all year long quality and varied contributions, that would not be suitable for current call for papers or special issues. Submitted articles can therefore be published faster, while retaining the scientific rigor developed by the Journal. Through this collection, the editorial committee wishes to re-energize the Journal and express its dedication to widen the established boundaries of its scientific scope and the disciplines encompassed.
- 1 Marion Demossier, Isabelle Téchoueyres and Virginie Amilien, “Introduction to Varia in progress”, A (...)
2The introduction to the “Varia in progress”1 enhances the creative role, the scientific exchanges and sharing of AoFood, a Journal that has evolved a great deal over time. It also shows the necessity to open up to other disciplines and alternative modes of publication in this Journal dedicated to food as a “total fact”.
The Varia 2024 issue
3The necessity of the Varia in progress collection has been confirmed after a slow start. Through this Varia 2024 issue, like we did in 2013, we intend to give it a fresh impetus.
4Whereas thematic issues are subjected to open calls for contributions with a specific editorial line, and considering that Special issues generally arise from collective seminars, the Varia is open to spontaneous and multidisciplinary contributions, voicing hot topics as well as general considerations.
5We want to serve a double objective with this issue. We wish to highlight the quality and richness of the Collection, which remains a stimulating on-line canal. Answering the need for researchers to publish, and in order to reflect new ideas in research in food cultures, the Varia accepts all scientific articles from both senior and junior authors, provided that they meet the Journal’s publication requirements.
- 2 Authors may also propose articles in Spanish.
6The Varia 2024 issue features seven articles, in French and in English2, taking the reader to various parts of the world. Two texts examine wines with Controlled Denomination of Origin and their terroir, an endless exploration. The article written by Sophie Tabouret, “Describing to continue existing: Bringing Rosés de Provence’s terroirs into the laboratory”, approaches her subject through sensorial analysis and oenology. On his part, Vincent Fournier, in his article “In search of tradition: A comparative analysis of wine production in Calabria (Italy) and British Columbia (Canada)”, studies relations between politics, economics, technology and culture via the case study of two vineyards on two continents.
7After drinking, eating. Three articles treat of specific food diets. Éric Perera and Sylvain Ferez provide us with a minute ethnography of the diet among bodybuilders, with ““Nutrieating” for leanness and muscle gain: the bodybuilder’s egotistical asceticism”.
8“Debating Veganism; The Controversial Construction of Veganism on Italian Wikipedia Talk Pages”, by Lorenzo Domaneschi and Oscar Ricci, explores the making of a social and identity-related category through discussions on the Italian Wikipedia website, representative of the construction of contemporary knowledge.
9On a different scale, Chenyu Zong confronts “Chines eaters” to generalist discourses concerning “Chinese food choices” particularly found among Westerners during the COVID-19 pandemic, in her article “Embarrassment and wild caught meat; circumstantial food avoidance in China after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic”.
10Culinary creation is at the core of the other two articles. First, concerning domestic cooking as studied by Hélène Peters-Zwingelstein in “An almost perfect dinner. (Home made ?) cooking of the new connected robots”, where she questions cooking that nourishes both bodies and the family soul, home-made dishes and the use of cooking robots. Immersed in the field of high cuisine, Frédéric Zancanaro exposes an innovative methodology in his article “How to study culinary creation in gastronomy? A proposal for an analytical model”.
11Published during the year 2024, these seven scientific articles prove the diversity of subjects and methodologies tackling the multifarious aspects of social and cultural food practices in various parts of the world.
12Having displayed such a variety of themes, we invite you to read, savour and enjoy the corresponding texts.
Contributing to Varia in progress
13By encouraging original and varied approaches, the Varia collection offers the opportunity to publish independent articles at any time of the year. We wish to confirm with this Varia 2024 that AoFood editorial board invites all researchers, doctorate students as well as experimented authors to send us their texts, provided they are of good scientific quality and conform to our editorial norms to be found in our Guidelines for authors.
14We also wish to mention that, in conformity with AoFood editorial line, all texts submitted are read by an intern referee who accepts or rejects the propositions. When accepted, the text is anonymised and sent to two or three referees in the field of research. Corrections might be required from the authors, before final acceptance.
15Website of Anthropology of Food :
16Guidelines for authors :
AoFood other collections
17We also wish to highlight the existence of our several collections, to which you are welcome to contribute:
18Book reviews :
19Research Notes :
20Thesis extracts :
21Feed the debate :
1 Marion Demossier, Isabelle Téchoueyres and Virginie Amilien, “Introduction to Varia in progress”, Anthropology of food [En ligne], Articles, mis en ligne le 16 décembre 2008, consulté le 30 janvier 2014. URL :
2 Authors may also propose articles in Spanish.
Top of pageReferences
Electronic reference
Isabelle Techoueyres, “Introduction to Varia 2024”, Anthropology of food [Online], 18 | décembre 2024, Online since , connection on 13 February 2025. URL:; DOI:
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The text only may be used under licence CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. All other elements (illustrations, imported files) are “All rights reserved”, unless otherwise stated.
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