Guidelines for Authors
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General rules
The article must be sent to the Issue Coordinator by e-mail (check the Call for Papers). The article is then made anonymous and reviewed by two referees (researchers in close related fields). Their comments are synthesized then sent to the author who must produce a revised version of his/her text within 4 to 6 weeks. If accepted by the coordinator, the article is then sent to the executive committee for a last check. The executive committee gives final acceptation (or sends back to the author for minor changes, or possible rejection).
AoFood may accept excerpts from a paper published elsewhere under the following conditions:
. the editor of the original publication must provide his/ her approval
. reference of this publication must be mentioned as footnote on the first page
. the text presented to AoFood must explain the interest of this new edition: either because new elements can be discussed, or have been up-dated, or it has been translated in another language, therefore accessible to new readership.
We greatly appreciate that you follow the specifications carefully.
Text Format
General Rules:
Structure of the article:
Article length: Between 6000 and 8000 words maximum, including notes and bibliography.
Titles and paragraphs
The text needs to be typed with Word software 1997-2003:
- Font Times New Roman
- Format 12, Single Line spacing
Do not have ANY layout (with the exception of quotations*): the articles will be directly formatted by the Editorial Board and the in-house editor according to our specific program (LODEL), therefore all previous styling increases the amount of work.
*Quotations: - verbal quotation (interviews): in Italics
- quotation over 5 lines long: line feed
Typographic signs have to be harmonized (For example the author/ coordinator has to choose either « or “, but standardize the signs)
Text presentation
Your article should be arranged in the following order :
The title of the article must follow the mention TITLE= followed by title (idem for SUB-title). The title of the article must appear in at least English and French languages.
Name or Names of author(s) after the mention AUTHOR(S) = followed by Author’s 1st name and Name, discipline, institution, email address.
(example: AUTHORS = Jean Dupont, historien, Université de la Méditerranée, UMR 1111 Laboratoire d’anthropologie,
The abstract in French must follow RESUME =, as the translation of the English abstract (maximum 12 lines)
NB: abstract in at least both languages (English and French) is necessary.
MOTS CLES = (max 10)
The summary in English must follow ABSTRACT = as translation of the French abstract (maximum 10 lines)
KEYWORDS = (max 10)
Main body of the article:
Each paragraph with its title must follow NIVEAU1= title of paragraph
Title for each sub-section must follow NIVEAU2= and NIVEAU3= ...
NB: do not specify paragraph numbers: LODEL software generates them automatically
The bibliography must follow BIBLIOGRAPHY=
Notes : Must appear as footnotes, in numerical order (1,2,3,…), in the same font as the rest of the text.
References throughout the text: Author’s name year: page, between brackets.
Ex: (Hubert 1986 : 26)
NB: please, do not use any specific software for bibliography (like Endnotes for instance)
Bibliographic references should be placed at the end of the article, in alphabetical order.
NB: only works mentioned in the text are to be placed in the Bibliography.
Please conform to the following recommendations:
To reference a journal article, indicate:
Author’s name followed by initial(s) of 1st name(s) in capital letters then year of publication. “Title of the article”, Title of the Journal, volume : first and last page of the article.
Ex :
PUTNAM R. D. 1995. “Bowling Alone Revisited”, Responsive Community, 5: 18-33.
GARINE I. (de) 1969. « Pour une anthropologie de l’alimentation », L’Homme IX(4) : 125-126.
To reference a book:
Name or names of author(s) followed by the initial(s) of the 1st name(s) in capitals then year of publication. Title of the book in the original language, place of edition: editor.
Ex :
CERTEAU M. D., GIARD L. & MAYOL P. 1994. L'Invention du quotidien. Paris : Coll. Essais Folio.
EMBER C. & EMBER M. 2005. « Explaining corporal punishment of children : A cross-cultural study », American Anthropologist 107(4) : 609-619.
SEEGER A. 1981. Nature and society in central Brazil : The Suya indians of Mato Grosso. Cambridge MA : Harvard University Press.
Co-edition :
HARRIS M.B. & ROSS E.B. (ed.) 1987. Food and evolution. Toward a theory of human food habits. Philadelphia : Temple University Press.
Contribution in a collective book :
BOULY DE LESDAIN S. 2002. « Alimentation et migration, une définition spatiale », in I. Garabuau-Moussaoui, E. Palomares & D. Desjeux (ed.) Alimentations contemporaines : 173-189. Paris : L’Harmattan.
Thesis/ PhD :
VENTURA I OLLER M. 1999. À la croisée des chemins. Identité, rapports à autrui et chamanisme chez les Tsachila d’Équateur. Thèse de doctorat en anthropologie sociale et ethnologie. Paris : EHESS.
References for books accepted for publication, but not yet published, shall be presented in the same format, with the mention «forthcoming ».
« Personal communication » or « unpublished data » shall be specified.
To reference an online/ electronic publication:
URL of internet pages must also be listed in the Bibliography including the date of consultation.
Name or names of author(s) followed by the initial(s) of the 1st name(s) in big capitals, (year of publication), Title of the publication in the original language, name of the journal/ editor, volume, web address and date of consultation.
Ex :
FOURNIER T. 2014. « Face à l’injonction diététique, un "relativisme nutritionnel" en France », SociologieS, accessed 4 February 2015 : [].
HUBERT A. 2001. « Alimentation et Santé : la Science et l’imaginaire », Anthropology of food, accessed 17 September 2009: [].
Tables and illustrations:
Illustrations must be placed in the body of the text by the author. The text must explicitly refer to the illustration. Refer as follows:
Ex : Figure 1 : Montants maximaux des minima sociaux
<<illustration>> (either Word 1997-2003) or JPG)
Legend (if necessary)
Credit or Source.
Titles of illustrations must be placed above. Legends must be placed under illustrations.
NB: Authors must be aware that it is impossible to prevent the free circulation of pictures on the internet. However, as a protection, AoFood inserts a logo on each photo:
Quotation Norms:
-For short quotations: quotation between inverted commas in the body of the text, followed by the author’s name, year of publication, page number, between brackets: (Douglas 1969 : 234).
- For longer quotations (more than 5 lines): line feed, quotation between inverted commas, followed by author’s name, year of publication, page number, between brackets : (Douglas 1969 : 234) or (Grøholt et al. 2008).
- For short quotations from interviews: between inverted commas, in italics, in the main body of the article.
- For longer quotations from interviews: line feed, quotation between inverted commas, italics.
Further indications
It is necessary to take into account the following indications:
Definition of the subject: the author exposes in clear terms what is examined in the text. The reader must have a clear idea of the author’s perspective and field of research.
Central hypothesis: The author expresses in clear terms his/ her research hypothesis regarding the chosen subject, and his/ her theoretical perspectives.
The author must expose the outline of the article.
b) Exposition of methods: The author presents his/ her methodology. This exposition must be clear, detailed and relevant.
c) Fieldwork: the author must give a description of the fieldwork or types of data he/ she uses.
The development must follow the outline announced in the Introduction.
Clarity of argumentation: Ideas developed in the text must be clear and coherent; the argumentation must be convincing.
Example used by the author must be relevant and illustrate the argumentation.
Transition between paragraphs: transitions between paragraphs must contribute to the fluidity and coherence of the text.
An answer to the research questions or hypothesis: the author presents elements providing answers to questions raised in the main discussion (c.f. introduction).
Opening: the author opens up to new perspectives.
Comprehension: Make sure your tables and illustrations are understandable and appropriate
Title: Each table and illustration must have a title.
Caption: if necessary.
The Editorial Board and the Scientific Committee endorse the intention to conform and promote good practices with regards to intellectual property and recognition.
The issue of « authorship » is essential to defend the individual interest of contributors to the journal.
- 1 “Extracts from this document may be reproduced for non-commercial education or training purposes on (...)
On 21 May 2004, the Editorial Board of AoFood adopted the principles of the British Sociological Association in its « Authorship Guidelines for Academic Papers »1. Its major concerns are:
- The conditions required for attributing authorship,
- The order of authors,
- Acknowledgements.
Attributing authorship
Authorship should be reserved for those, and only those, who have made significant intellectual contribution to the research. Participation solely in the acquisition of funding or general supervision of the research group is not sufficient for authorship. Honorary authorship is not acceptable.
1) Everyone who is listed as an author should have made a substantial direct academic contribution (i.e. intellectual responsibility and substantive work) to at least two of the four main components of a typical scientific project or paper:
Conception or design
Data collection and processing
Analysis and interpretation of the data
Writing substantial sections of the paper (e.g. synthesizing
findings in the literature review or the findings / results section)
2) Everyone listed as an author should have critically reviewed successive drafts of the paper and should approve the final version.
3) Everyone listed as an author should be able to defend the paper as a whole (although not necessarily all the technical details).
Authors’ order of appearance
The person who has made the major contribution to the paper and / or taken the lead in writing, is entitled to be the first author.
Decisions about who should be an author, the order of authors and those included in the acknowledgements should usually be made by the first author in consultation with other authors.
Those who have made a major contribution to the analysis or writing (i.e. more than commenting in detail on successive drafts) are entitled to follow the first author immediately; where there is a clear difference in the size of these contributions, this should be reflected in the order of appearance of these authors.
All other persons who fulfill the criteria for authorship should appear as authors in alphabetical order.
If all the authors feel that they have contributed equally to the paper, this can be indicated in a footnote.
Decisions about acknowledgements
All persons who make a substantial contribution to a paper without fulfilling the criteria for authorship should be acknowledged, usually in an acknowledgement section specifying their contribution. These may concern interviewers, survey management staff, data processors, computing staff, clerical staff, statistical advisers, colleagues who have reviewed the paper, students who have undertaken some sectional work, the supervisor of a research team and someone who has provided assistance in obtaining funding.
These extracts have kindly been provided from the BSA document, 'British Sociological Association: Authorship Guidelines for Academic Papers'. This document was adopted at the BSA Annual General Meeting held on the 10th April 2001 in Manchester as a BSA document. Further information about the BSA can be obtained from their website at:
AoFood is concerned with the basic rules in ethics of publication and is therefore supporting the law on intellectual property. Every person publishing in AoFood (author, reviewer, guest editor) must accept and respect intellectual property and avoid plagiarism.
Following the COPE (Code of Conduct of Publication Editors, Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors : ), the editorial committee will systematically screen the articles received by the editorial team, before sending them to peer review. The aim is to make sure that there is no overlap with other publications. Self-plagiarism will also be considered when authors omit to mention that they use part of previously published texts or material.
In case of plagiarism, the editorial team will contact the author(s) to discuss the case. The aim is to find a solution and avoid plagiarism in the revised version of the text.
In case plagiarism is not perceived by the program before publication, AoFood will first check the facts then apologize to the author who has been copied. Moreover the plagiarism will then be brought to institutional level, and the head of editorial board will contact the head of the institution where the plagiat-author is employed.
1 “Extracts from this document may be reproduced for non-commercial education or training purposes on the condition that the source is acknowledged. The British Sociology Association, Units 3F/3G, Mountjoy Research Centre, Stockton Road, Durham, DH1 3UR. Tel: 0191-383-0839; Fax: 0191-383-0782. Email: , BSA website:”
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