Comptes-rendus de lectures | comptes-rendus de lecture 2018
AoFood is eager to publish book reviews in the field of Food and human sciences. All authors interested in reviewing a recent book may ask us to get a free copy of the book, and is given a period of two months to read it and write the review.
We expect a report between 600 and 3000 words, including bibliography.
Note that the text must be consistent with the recommendations made in the Guidelines for Authors:
As soon as the book review is sent to the book review committee, it will be reviewed by two referees from the editorial board. The author will then be informed about acceptance or rejection and possible changes.
Once accepted, the report will be published in the Book review section on Anthropology of Food website.
NB: For ethical reasons (as we kindly get books from publishers) we will need to ask the author to send the book back if we do not get the review in due time.
Editor’s notes
Parasecoli: Knowing where it comes from [Full text]06 September 2018
20 July 2018
La consommation d’insectes [Full text]20 July 2018
Woortmann & Cavignac: Essais en anthropologie de l’alimentation ; savoirs, dynamiques et patrimoines [Full text]24 July 2018
05 February 2018