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Submission and publication principles

Language of publication

Researching and Teaching Languages is a French scientific journal in the field of Applied Linguistics: contributions can be submitted in French or in English.

Submission categories

The number of characters indicated below is for the main text, the bibliographical references and the appendices. It does not include the title, the abstract or the keywords.

Full-length research articles

From 5,000 to 8,000 words / 25,000 to 40,000 characters maximum, character spaces not included, for the entire text (main text, references, appendices) except for the title, abstract and keywords

Full-length research articles present empirical research analysing original data or a reflection on current knowledge in a specific area. Discussion is based on fundamental knowledge in the field and should include substantial bibliographical references pertaining to the area of research.

Research or teaching notes

From 2,000 to 4,000 words / 10,000 to 20,000 characters maximum, character spaces not included, for the entire text (main text, references, appendices) except for the title, abstract and keywords.

Research or teaching notes swiftly communicate new data on a research or teaching issue to the community.

Research notes present ongoing or completed research with emphasis on the methods and the results of the research but they must include a theoretical framework and the corresponding bibliographical references.

Teaching notes present innovative experiments, teaching practices or new technologies, that are discussed in a theoretical framework. A selection of relevant bibliographical references is given.

Notes on teaching experiments

From 1,500 to 3,000 words / 8,000 to 15,000 characters maximum, character spaces not included, for the entire text (main text, appendices) except for the title, abstract and keywords.

Notes on teaching experiments present an in-class activity, innovative pedagogical material developed by the author or a personal teaching experience. They are presented in a concise manner, they generally do not include a theoretical framework but may include appendices and be completed by a few bibliographical references.

The description of an in-class activity should include the following: objectives of the activity; number of students (minimum-maximum) participating; necessary material or equipment; preparation time; in-class time needed for the activity; brief description of how the activity is carried out and comments.

Book reviews

From 1,500 to 3,000 words / 8,000 to 15,000 characters maximum, character spaces not included, for the entire text (main text, references) except title.

Book reviews present books, journals, conferences, etc. relevant to the teaching and learning of languages. Reviews include an introduction to the book (practical details, issues, etc.), a summary of the book's content, both overall and broken down by chapter, an assessment of the book's strengths and weaknesses, a conclusion highlighting the book's interest: does it fill a gap, are there other books on the same theme, how does the book reviewed compare with others?

The heading of the reviews should include all bibliographical references: title, author(s), publisher, publication date, number of pages, ISSN or ISBN. They may include some bibliographical references.

Texts which do not fall within one of these four categories and/or are longer than expected will not be submitted to the peer-reviewing process.

Call for papers and text submission

Submissions must be sent to the issue’s editorial board before submission deadlines ( Texts must fall within one of the submission categories above and must strictly follow all the general guidelines ( in order to be submitted to the reviewing committee. Articles and notes must correspond to the theme chosen for each issue (see the calls for paper page:

Notes on teaching experiments can correspond to the theme of each of issue but not necessarily. They must be sent directly to Pascale Manoïlov, who is editor-in-chief for notes on teaching experiments.

Book reviews must be sent directly to Marco Cappellini who is editor-in-chief for book reviews. Reviews can fall within the theme of the issue but, like notes on teaching experiments, this is not a requirement.

Submission policy

All submissions must be original work that is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Any previously published material must include the original editor's permission to reprint.

Authors whose work is accepted for publication in Researching and Teaching Languages cede permanent copyright to the journal. They also accept on-line publication of their work on

Authors may republish their work (in printed or electronic form) as long as they clearly indicate references to the original publication in Researching and Teaching Languages and inform the editor of the new publication and send a copy of it.

Authors accept responsibility for any legal action taken by a third party (editors, authors) whose copyright has been infringed upon intentionally or not.

It is the authors’ responsibility to secure permission to reprint quotes, tables or figures that are used or adapted in the manuscript from another source. The journal reserves the right to refuse publication of any illustration for which permission has not been obtained. Authors are responsible for their own texts and for the accuracy of references and quotations. Submitted texts must be free of plagiarism.

Selection process of submissions

Each submission will be reviewed anonymously by two members of the reviewing committee, if the submission categories (see above) and the instructions for authors ( have been complied with.

Following this double-blind peer review, the editors send the comments and instructions of the reviewers to the author along with their decision on whether or not to publish and any modifications to the manuscript that they require. Several versions of a manuscript must usually go back and forth before it is deemed ready for publication. The process of selection and review lasts between six months and one year. The process of finalizing the manuscript generally takes two months.

All accepted manuscripts are read and edited by the review and editorial committees and sent to the authors for approval. It is then formatted for online publication (styling). However, the editors reserve the right to make last minute changes before publication to correct style or to clarify language.

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