Instructions for authors
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Submissions must follow the journal general guidelines, i.e. they must fall within one of the four categories (see, be no longer than expected and comply with the instructions for authors given below.
On receiving submissions, the journal’s editorial board checks that the category, length, mandatory elements to be included in the submission and instructions for authors have been followed (see details below).
Texts which do not comply with the general guidelines will not be submitted to the peer‑reviewing process.
Mandatory elements to be included when submitting the texts
Submitted texts should be sent in Word format (.docx preferred) in two versions: the original version and the anonymous version (in which the author's name is replaced by “Author” and the name of the institution to which the author belongs by “Institution” in the text and in the file properties). A third Word file includes a short biography (100-150 words) with the email address of the author or of each author (@ being replaced by [at]).
The original and anonymous versions of the text must include the following five elements:
1/ Title of the article in English and French.
2/ Two abstracts, one in English. and one in French. Each should be approximately 150 words long.
3/ A list of keywords (8 maximum) in English and French. These keywords should be listed in alphabetical order, written entirely in lower case and be based as much as possible on existing keywords in our database
Note: in the Word file, the elements must appear in the following order: English title, English summary, English keywords, French title, French summary, French keywords for an article written in English. Title in French, abstract in French, keywords in French, title in English, abstract in English, keywords in English for an article written in French.
4/ Hierarchical headings and subheadings. Heading levels are expressed as follows: 1. 1.1. 1.1.1. (avoid exceeding three heading levels).
5/ References in the body of the text and in the bibliography must comply with APA7 standards (see below).
A pdf version will be expected if the text contains special characters, such as phonetic symbols.
Anonymity of submissions
To ensure fair reviewing, the authors must not be identifiable. This is why we ask authors to send us two versions of their proposal: a non-anonymized version and an anonymized version. In the latter:
no identifier (personal or institutional name) should appear in the file properties – remove this information by inspecting the document;
no identifier (personal or institutional name) should appear in the body of the text or in the bibliography – replace this information with “Author / Institution”;
if the authors refer directly to their own works, they will cite them in the text as “Author”, in the bibliography, the corresponding reference will be replaced by the single mention “Author” at the beginning of the bibliography.
On receiving the submission, the editorial board will assign a code name to the file in order to preserve its anonymity.
The article will be de-anonymized by its author once it has been definitely accepted for publication and reviewed by the editorial board.
Please apply the following basic rules: type the entire text in Times News Roman 12 (without applying a style); limit the number of highlights: do not underline or capitalize anything, limit the use of bold type in the body of the text to reserve it for headings; italics are reserved for references to titles of books (journals, etc.) in the body of the text and for terms in foreign languages.
The guidelines below refer to formatting specificities of our journal Researching and Teaching Languages. For guidelines on other aspects of your text (punctuation in particular), please refer to the APA7 style described in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition).
- Margins: normal.
- Font: Times News Roman 12 (no style applied) for body text, title and subtitles (which will be numbered); Times New Roman 10 for footnotes.
- Line spacing: 1.5.
- Enter a line only once to introduce a new paragraph (no blank paragraphs or page breaks).
- Do not indent the first line.
- Do not use the tab key to format text.
- Justify all text, including footnotes.
- Do not overuse enumerations or cascades of indents.
- Include notes and documents that complement the article in the appendix, after the bibliography.
Typographical rules
For texts written in English, please apply the typographic standards used in English language publications. For texts written in French, please follow French typographical standards.
All acronyms should be written in full the first time they are used. e.g. “Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)”. After that, they should be written in capital letters with no punctuation (i.e. CALL and not C.A.L.L.).
Acronyms of 3 letters or fewer are capitalized (VR, AI, VE, LSP).
Acronyms pronounced as a string of letters should be written in capitals (DDL, CEFR, HCI, ESP, HTML).
Up to 4 letters, acronyms pronounced as a word should be written in upper case letters (FAQ, CALL, MOOC).
Longer acronyms pronounced as a word should be written in lower case letters after the first capital letter: e.g., Covid-19, Unesco.
Short quotations of less than 40 words are presented in double quotation marks within the text.
Long quotations of 40 words or more are presented in a block quotation below the text, in the same font as the text (Time News Roman 12), with a 1 cm indent and not enclosed in quotation marks.
Breaks in quotations should be indicated in square brackets [...]. Adaptations in quotations will also be indicated in square brackets [...].
Quotations in a foreign language are translated into English in the body of the text, and the original version is given as a footnote, preceded by the words “Our proposed translation for: ‘C’est un pic ! … c'est un cap ! Que dis-je, c'est un cap ? … C'est une péninsule !’”.
Illustrations and appendices
All illustrations (figures, tables, diagrams, etc.) and appendices should be numbered and referenced in the text. The number (e.g. Figure 1) is just above the figure, in bold type and left aligned. Illustrations (figures, tables, diagrams, etc.) must include a title. The title of the figure appears below the number of the figure, in italics and is left aligned. The numbers should correspond to the cross-reference numbers in the text.
The original source of illustrations (figures, tables, diagrams, etc.) must be clearly identified in the title, except in the case of illustrations produced exclusively as part of the article, in order to avoid plagiarism.
Figures and illustrations are published in colour. They must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and be inserted in the text in .png or .jpeg format.
Footnotes should be numbered continuously starting with 1. They should be short and limited to pertinent comments and explanations that cannot be placed naturally in the text.
Footnote calls are placed immediately before the punctuation mark and after the closing quotation mark.
Bibliographical references are not to be included in the footnotes but in the references at the end of the text.
In-text References and Works Cited Page
In our journal Recherche et pratiques pédagogiques en langues, the presentation of references (in-text references as well the works cited page) follows the APA7 publishing style as described in the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, published in 2020.
Authors are asked to follow the APA7 publishing norms when submitting their texts, both for in-text citation and for presenting the works cited page. Texts which do not comply with this norm will not be submitted to peer‑reviewing.
- 1 As a reminder, titles (of articles, books, book chapters) in English and French are capitalized onl (...)
Authors are invited to use automatic bibliography generators such as Zotero, Endnote or EasyBib, which contain the APA 7 publishing style (see for example). However, we do ask authors to be careful with the automatically-generated data and to check the final presentation of their citations, especially with regard to the use of capital letters in titles1.
You will find below basic guidelines for using APA7. These pages are extracted from the Purdue Online Writing Lab website.
General format:
In-text citations:
Reference list:
Citing books in the cited works page:
Citing articles in the cited works page:
Citing electronic resources in the cited works page:
Citing audiovisual media in the cited works page:
Changes in the 7th edition
General APA Frequently Asked Questions
1 As a reminder, titles (of articles, books, book chapters) in English and French are capitalized only in the first word of the title. If the title is in two parts, the parts are separated by a colon. The first word of the second part of the title in English is capitalized, whereas in French it is not capitalized. Example in English: Toffoli, D., Sockett, G. & Kusyk, M. (Eds.). (2023). Language learning and leisure: Informal language learning in the digital age. De Gruyter Mouton. Example in French: Grosbois, M. (2012). Didactique des langues et technologies : de l’EAO aux réseaux sociaux. PUPS.
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