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HomeNumérosVol. XXXIV N° 2

Vol. XXXIV N° 2 | 2015
Réussite et échec en langues de spécialité

Volume coordonné par l’APLIUT (Association des professeurs de langues des IUT)et l’ARDAA (Association pour la recherche en didactique de l'anglais et en acquisition)
Success and Failure in Languages for Specific Purposes
Edited by Linda Terrier

What does the term “success” mean in the field of LSP (Languages for Specific Purposes)? What do we mean by “failure”? If the concepts of success and failure seem to be interdependent, are they mutually exclusive? Is failure a necessary step on the route to success? And in the pursuit of excellence, which has become one of the major stakes in higher education since the Bologna Process (1999 & 2003) and the Lisbon Strategy (2000), is failure for some necessary for the success of others? Does this last statement imply the creation of an elite with “good”, “less good” and “bad” institutions, teachers and students.

Since no aspect of higher education seems exempt from assessment any longer, has the time come to reaffirm that success and failure are relative, even arbitrary concepts? How should we define them? How should we measure them? How should we take them into account to improve teaching programmes in higher education?

This issue of Researching and Teaching Languages for Specific Purposes ( will provide the opportunity for teachers and researchers to explore the question of success and failure in teaching, learning and assessment the field of LSP.

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