- 12 | 2023
Key wordsBeautiful, Sustainable, TogetherIn the backdrop of the New European Bauhaus, our time presents the European designer with three pivotal keywords: beautiful, sustainable, and together. The central question that this issue of “Ardeth” seeks to address is how to employ these three keywords in the best possible way. In essence, it grapples with the question of how to use but not abuse the checkpoints they provide us with to truly grasp the intricacies of their intended applications. The aim is to prevent has(...)
- 10-11 | 2022
CompetencyArchitecture and situated knowledge - 9 | 2021
RaceArchitecture is an inward looking discipline. Its history conveys the norms of the discipline to an audience composed mostly of architects, who are familiar with the work of their predecessors-from whom they learnt, or for whom they worked. As such, architecture singularises the multiple processes through which space is produced, excluding difference in the pursuit of coherent narratives to sustain its authority, and does so mainly through the figure of the architect. For (...)
- 8 | 2021
Burn-outOn Planetary Exhaustion and Alternative Public InfrastructuresBurn-out. Esaurimento planetario e infrastrutture pubbliche alternative - 7 | 2020
Europe - 6 | 2020
ContingencyDesign and the challenge of changeIncorporating contingency into our fundamental thinking about architecture contradicts the way we theorize, practice, and historicize the field. Accidents happen, yet architects rarely let chance play a role in their visions. How contingency play a role in architectural design and thinking? How designers incorporate change in their practice? The forward-facing nature of contingency scholarship, if we give it a name, may embed possible worlds that are more just, more compas(...)
- 5 | 2019
Innovation as it happensWith 1.2 billion Google results, innovation is now the omnipresent buzzword used in the domain of advanced capitalism to encapsulate the processes by which environments and societies recombine, evolve, dispute with, and reproduce themselves. Innovation creates a fiction in which problems are resolved, material inflation makes things better, and linear progress is possible. But this doesn’t work: innovation has been reduced and weaponized to become the tool to consolidate t(...)
- 4 | 2019
RightsNorm and Form in ArchitectureThe range of actions deployed by design professions have seldom entered the debate regarding the relationship between city, rights, and powers. The legitimacy of design actions, though, undergoes the same fragmentation that, in a complementary fashion, questions both the credibility of physical limits in defining what a city is as well as the universal validity of the rights that are spatially defined by such limits. Can the project of architecture transfer a system of gen(...)
- 3 | 2018
MoneyThe Economies of ArchitectureThe discussion of architecture, with all the visibility of its objects, tends to downplay the invisible flows of money that sustain its production. It is as if the dependency on economic forces is too much to face up to; better then to celebrate the catalytic genius of the architectural hero and then the glorious outputs, and try to ignore everything else that goes on in between. This issue intends to probe the in-between space of the operations of architecture, examining (...)
- 2 | 2018
BottegaEcology of Design PracticeIn the last fifteen years we witnessed a new ethnographic wave of studies that focused on practising architecture. This body of research aimed at grasping the socio-material dimension of architectural practice. They all relied on the assumption that architecture is collective but it is shared with a variety of nonhumans. These “new ethnographies” generated “thick descriptions” of the knowledge practices of different participants in design. This issue of “Ardeth” collects c(...)
- 1 | 2017
Architectural Design TheoryUnlike the many magazines that revolve around the architectural world, Ardeth concerns neither with outcomes (architecture) nor with the authors (architects).
Ardeth concerns instead with their operational work, i.e. projects. The shift from subjects (their good intentions, as taught in Universities and reclaimed in the profession) to objects (the products of design, at work within the social system that contains them) engenders an analytical and falsifiable elaboration (...)