Themed issues
- 24 | 2024
Urban Discourses - 23 | 2023
Autonomy and independence in urban environments.Between youth and old age, what inequalities and opportunities over life cycles? - 22 | 2021
Digitalisation of public spaces: the great urban change? - 21 | 2020
Commodity flows and urban spaces - 20 | 2019
Urban kinshipsEveryday kinship and the making of the City - 19 | 2019
What do Images in the Public Space do?Allison Huetz, Clémence Lehec, Thierry Maeder and Jean-François Staszak (eds) - 17-18 | 2018
Street vending facing urban policiesWho owns the streets? Uses, appropriation and mobilization for (commercial) streets. - 15 | 2017
Arts in Cities - Cities in Arts - 16 | 2017
Urban Nature(s)Thinking together cities and protected areas - 14 | 2016
Ecourbanism Worldwide - 13 | 2016
Suburbia - 12 | 2015
Inconspicuous Globalization - 11 | 2015
Urban nightA time space of innovation - 10 | 2014
Border markets - 9 | 2012
Geography of finance and real estate - 8 | 2012
“Particules élémentaires”?“Elementary particles?” - 7 | 2011
Tiring mobilities - 6 | 2011
Changing European Borders - 5 | 2009
Splendeur et misère du périurbainPeri-urban splendor and misery - 4 | 2008
Une géographie culturelle et politique du tourismeA Cultural and Political Geography of Tourism - 3 | 2007
Avant-gardes et élitesAvant-gardists and Elites - 2 | 2006
Une approche sociale de l'économieSocial Dimensions of Economy - 1 | 2005
Approches plurielles du quotidienPlural Perspectives on Daily Activities
Special issues
- Special issue 7 | 2015
Tales of the CityChristophe Mager and Laurent Matthey (eds) - Special editorial | 2015
Celebrating 10 years editorship - Special issue 6 | 2015
La fabrique des espaces ouvertsSégolène Darly, Mélanie Doyon et Salma Loudiyi (eds) - Special issue 5 | 2014
Mémoires dominantes, mémoires dominéesGrégory Busquet, Claire Lévy-Vroelant et Caroline Rozenholc (eds) - Special issue 4 | 2013
Le nouveau récit du paysageChristophe Mager et Laurent Matthey (eds) - Special issue 3 | 2010
Revisiting Urbanity and Rurality - Special issue 2 | 2009
Esthétiques et pratiques des paysages urbainsActes de la journée d’études de la Formation doctorale interdisciplinaire (FDi) de la Faculté des lettres de l’Université de Lausanne - Special issue 1 | 2009
Occupying, Organising and Ordering Urban Space