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Selection process

Each issue of the journal is thematic. The theme is chosen by the editors-in-chief, after consulting the advisory board. The issue is entrusted to a team of 2, 3, or even 4 guest-editors, in accordance with the journal’s scientific policy, in order to reflect its cross-cultural, multidisciplinary approach. The guest-editors submit a proposal, as well as a list of potential contributors. Once this has been accepted by the journal’s editors, the guest-editors send the authors their instructions and the journal’s style sheet. More contributors may be considered once the proposal has been published. Articles are processed by the editors, who anonymize them and send them for double-blind reviewing to members of the editorial board. Depending on the topic, they may feel the need to call on an external referee. In the event of conflicting reports, the editors invite a report from a third referee. The final decision (accept; minor or major revision; reject) is made by the guest-editors and the authors are informed by the associate editors. Once the article is accepted, an agreement is drawn up between the author and the publisher. Authorstransfer their rights to the journal on a non-exclusive basis, and are free to upload the final version of their accepted manuscript to an open archive under the CC license of their choice, once the article has been published. Authors may also publish their contributions at a later date elsewhere, provided they provide full bibliographic details of the publication in this journal.

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