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Astérion est une revue exclusivement électronique, soutenue par l’École normale supérieure de Lyon. Elle est l’expression des activités du Centre d’études en rhétorique, philosophie et histoire des idées, de l’Humanisme aux Lumières (CERPHI) désormais hébergé par l’Institut d'histoire des représentations et des idées dans les modernités (IHRIM, CNRS UMR 5317) et du laboratoire Triangle : action, discours, pensée politique et économique (CNRS, UMR 5206). Deux axes de publication y sont privilégiés : l’histoire de la philosophie, des sciences et des sensibilités dans la constitution de la modernité et l’histoire de la pensée politique en Europe, du XVIe au XXe siècle.

Astérion is an exclusively electronic journal, backed by the École Normale Supérieure of Lyon. It is produced by the Centre of Studies in Rhetoric, Philosophy and History of Ideas, from Humanism to the Enlightenment (CERPHI) now hosted by the Institute of the History of Representations and Ideas in Modernity (IHRIM, CNRS UMR, 5317) and the pluridisciplinary joint research unit Triangle: Action, Discourses, Economic and Political Thought (CNRS, UMR 5206). Two axis of publication are favoured: the history of philosophy, sciences and sensitivities in the constitution of modernity and the history of political thought in Europe from the 16th to the 20th century.


Nouvel emplacement de la rubrique « Lectures et discussions »

La rubrique Lectures et discussions, qui contient les comptes rendus désormais publiés au fil de l'eau, figure dans l'onglet Compléments, à gauche de l'écran, sous la liste des numéros disponibles.

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Latest issue
31 | 2024
L'esprit de corps

Solidarité, loyauté et construction du social
Esprit de corps. Solidarity, loyalty and construction of the social
Edited by Céline Hervet and Jacques-Louis Lantoine

Addressing the issue of the esprit de corps means considering interpersonal relationships of solidarity and the unity of the body politic from a genetic approach, which, beyond matters of law and foundation, can highlight the mechanisms that preside over their constitution. The esprit de corps has an ambivalent reputation: a source of corporatism and special interest which, sometimes from within the State apparatus itself, distorts the spirit that should animate the great bodies of the State and guarantee their loyalty. It also appears to be a condition of permanence, stability, unity, power and cohesion of social groups. This ambivalence, if recognised, allows us to address the political question without axiological presuppositions and to question in political matters not so much ‘what should be’ as ‘how it works’, noting that it never quite works. Rereading certain moments in the modern history of political ideas in this light implies an entirely different understanding of the relationship between individuals, the State and its institutions. Far from being based on moral or legal rationality, the loyalty of the members of a group is based, above all, on affect and imagination, which explains not only the seditious or factious potential of constituted bodies but also their precariousness.


Calenda - Philosophie

Actualités de Triangle : action, discours, pensée politique et économique

Actualités de l'Institut d'histoire des représentations et des idées dans les modernités (IHRIM)

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