The journal
Top of pageScientific committee
Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco, Professor of Ethnomusicology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
David Gellner, Professor, School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, Oxford, Royaume-Uni
Anthony Good, Professor Emeritus, Social Anthropology, School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh, Royaume-Uni
William Hanks, Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of California – Berkeley, États-Unis
Graham Jones, Assistant professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, États-Unis
Michael Lambek, Professor and Canada Research Chair, UTSC Campus, Canada
John Leavitt, Professeur titulaire, Département d’Anthropologie, Université de Montréal, Canada
Charles Malamoud, Directeur d’études honoraire, EPHE, Paris
Cristina Papa, Professore ordinario, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Università di Perugia, Italie
Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka, Professor of Social Anthropology, Bielefeld University, Allemagne
Regula Burckhardt Qureshi, Professor Emeritus, University of Alberta, Canada
Mario Humberto Ruz, Professeur, UNAM, Mexico, Mexique
Fabio Viti, Professeur, Aix-Marseille Université, France
Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Professor, Museu Nacional, Departamento de Antropologia, Rio de Janeiro, Brésil
Editorial policy
Ateliers d’anthropologie is a general anthropology journal. We publish thematic or regional issues, arising from collective work, seminars and conferences, as well as publishing articles progressively under the Varia section of the journal. In both cases, articles can include documentary and multimedia resources. We favour work not previously published in any language or medium.
We have an Editorial Board as well as a Review Committee that includes externals evaluators chosen for their expertise according to the contents of each issue. Proposals and articles submitted undergo a double blind peer review: the Editorial Board anonymously sends each paper to two or more evaluators (one internal and at least one external) whose reviews are then anonymously transmitted to the authors along with the Board’s decision.
Authors submitting a piece to Ateliers d’anthropologie retain their rights on their work and unexclusively grant the Journal authorization to reproduce and broadcast it online on OpenEdition Journals. Authors are responsible for the contents of their contributions, especially the accuracy of quotations and bibliographical references. In case of plagiarism, they will be solely responsible for their act. Furthermore, it is their responsibility to obtain written permission to reproduce illustrations and multimedia documents that they did not create (figures, tables, maps, sound and video extracts, etc.) and to mention the origins of said documents in their captions.
Except where otherwise specified, Ateliers d’anthropologie is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International.
Editorial staff
Director of the publication
Vanessa Manceron (directrice de recherche cnrs, umr7186 – lesc)
Editor in chief
Fabienne Wateau, directrice de recherche cnrs, umr7186 – lesc
Issue editors
34, 35, 36: Anne-Marie Peatrik
37, 47: Sophie Blanchy
38: Alain Breton
39, 41, 46: Emmanuel Grimaud
40, 43: Arnaud Esquerre
42, 50: Baptiste Buob
44: Christine Jungen
45: Philippe Erikson
48, 51, 52, 53: Anthony Stavrianakis
49: Grégoire Schlemmer
Editorial board
Estelle Amy de la Bretèque, chargée de recherche cnrs, umr7186 – lesc
Sophie Blanchy, directrice de recherche émérite cnrs, umr7186 – lesc
Alain Breton, directeur de recherche honoraire cnrs, umr7186 – lesc
Baptiste Buob, chargé de recherche cnrs, umr7186 – lesc
Sarah Carton de Grammont, chargée de recherche cnrs, umr7186 – lesc
Fanny Chagnollaud, maître de conférence université Paris 8
Gladys Chicharro Saito, maître de conférence université Paris 8
Marie Chosson, maître de conférence inalco
Francesca Cozzolino, enseignante-chercheure ensad Paris
Philippe Erikson, professeur université Paris Nanterre, umr7186 – lesc-erea
Jacques Galinier, directeur de recherche émérite cnrs, umr7186 – lesc
Emmanuel Grimaud, directeur de recherche cnrs, umr7186 – lesc
Gisèle Krauskopff, directrice de recherche émérite cnrs, umr7186 – lesc
Vanessa Manceron (directrice de recherche cnrs, umr7186 – lesc)
Anne-Marie Peatrik, directrice de recherche émérite cnrs, umr7186 – lesc
David Picherit, chargé de recherche cnrs, umr7186 – lesc
Nicolas Prévôt, maître de conférence université Paris Nanterre, umr7186 – lesc-crem
Stéphane Rennesson, chargé de recherche cnrs, umr7186 – lesc
Anthony Stavrianakis, chargé de recherche cnrs, umr7186 – lesc
Fabienne Wateau, directrice de recherche cnrs, umr7186 – lesc
Review committee
The members of the Editorial Board
+ Experts invited for each issues
Copy editing and web publication
Sandrine Soriano, ingénieur d’études cnrs, umr7186 – lesc
Former directors of the publication
Raymond Jamous (1994-2000)
Laurence Caillet (2001-2004)
Anne-Marie Peatrik (2005-2009)
Gilles Tarabout (2010-2013)
Philippe Erikson (2014-2018)
Baptiste Buob (2019-2023)
Former editor in chief
Anthony Stavrianakis (2018-2022)