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About the Journal

The Bulletin archéologique des Écoles françaises à l’étranger publishes, in a single journal, the latest archaeological research carried out around the Mediterranean, in the Balkans, in India and Asia, until now published separately in various media.

Strengthened by their multiple locations in the field, these five prestigious research institutions lead numerous excavation campaigns on sites as renowned as Pompeii or Delphi, Karnak or Baelo Claudia in the heart of the Strait of Gibraltar, Angkor, Delos or Deir al-Medina for example, and rely on a community of experienced researchers, French or foreign. With a presence in more than twenty countries, the schools are able to develop networks of collaboration and cooperation that make them invaluable to the French research endeavour abroad. Through the creation of this exclusively digital journal, the Écoles françaises wish to make the results of their archaeological research available to the scientific community.

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