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Peer review and evaluation are fundamental principles of scientific publication. Authors are required, for all documents submitted, to participate in a peer review process and to follow publication guidelines.

Composition and role of the editorial committee

The editorial committee makes the decisions about all publication projects submitted to the École française d’Athènes. Made up of the director of the institution, the president of the Scientific Council, the two directors of studies (ancient and Byzantine, and modern and contemporary), the Representative of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών) and the publications manager, this committee meets regularly throughout the year.
It currently includes:

  • Madame Véronique Chankowski, director of the École française d’Athènes

  • Monsieur Didier Viviers, president of the Scientific Council of the École française d’Athènes

  • Madame Ourania Poycandrioti, representative of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών)

  • Madame Laurianne Martinez-Sève, director of Antique and Byzantine studies

  • Monsieur Gilles de Rapper, director of modern and contemporary studies  

  • Monsieur Bertrand Grandsagne, publications manager

The editorial committee decides the editorial direction of the collections and journals published by the École française d’Athènes and examines all the contributions. It carries out an initial examination where publications that are not appropriate are rejected. The editorial board are sent texts that are likely to be accepted and either review them themselves or send them out to experts who will present a report.

Peer review

All texts submitted for publication (members' theses, excavations and projects included in the institution's programs, co-publications, etc.) are subject to peer review. The editorial committee forwards the text to assessors, experts on the subject matter, who are part of its editorial board (who can, if necessary, call on external people). The number of reviewers is, at a minimum, fixed at two, decided by a third if their opinions differ. Their mission is to judge the scientific quality of the article and the methodological validity of the analysis. They then issue a report that establishes whether the article is worth publishing and send their criticisms and correction proposals to the editorial committee, who forward them to the author. The modified text is again subject to review until its final acceptance or rejection.
The reports are anonymous.

Review of texts submitted for publication in the BCH

The Bulletin de correspondance hellénique has been renewed, in 2020 its editorial board. An essential body for any scientific journal, it has guaranteed over the years the good reputation of the BCH and the scientific and editorial quality of the texts published.
The BCH is evolving. Since 2017 and the transfer of archaeological reports to another electronic publication, the Bulletin archéologique des Écoles françaises à l’étranger, it has almost doubled its page capacity. The journal is a reflection of the School's scientific activities, but it also continues to open up to other research linked to field work and the study of sources, and welcomes written contributions in languages other than French. With an online publication which is added to the paper publication, the journal is able to broaden its readership and international distribution.
In this respect, the central role of the editorial board is reaffirmed and developed. Ensuring the best possible representation of the School's disciplinary fields, it brings together experts who are invited to quickly assess the articles submitted for publication.
It includes:

  • Sophia Aneziri (Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών)

  • Michèle Brunet (Université Lyon 2, musée du Louvre)

  • Vincent Déroche (CNRS, UMR 8167 Orient & Méditerranée)

  • Charles Doyen (Université de Louvain)

  • Jean-Yves Empereur (Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres)

  • Sylvian Fachard (université de Lausanne, École suisse d’archéologie en Grèce)

  • Éric Fouache (Sorbonne Université)

  • Charalambos Gasparis (Εθνικό 'Ίδρυμα Ερευνών)

  • Patrice Hamon (Université Paris Sorbonne)

  • Miltiade Hatzopoulos (Aκαδημία Aθηνών)

  • Ralf von den Hoff (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)

  • Philippe Jockey (Université Paris Ouest, UMR 7041 ArScAn)

  • Margaret M. Miles (University of California)

  • Jean-Charles Moretti (CNRS, Institut de Recherche sur l'Architecture Antique)

  • Cécile Morrisson (Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres)

  • Aliki Moustaka (Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης)

  • Emanuele Papi (Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene)

  • Natalia Poulou (Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης)

  • Claude Pouzadoux (Centre Jean Bérard, Naples)

  • Susan Rotroff (University Washington in St Louis)

  • Denis Rousset (École pratique des hautes études)

  • Jean-Christophe Sourisseau (Université d’Aix-Marseille)

  • Gilles Touchais (Université de Paris 1, UMR 7041 ArScAn)

  • Zoï Tsirtsoni (CNRS, UMR 7041 ArScAn)

  • Stéphane Verger (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Museo Nazionale Romano)

  • Jean-Denis Vigne (CNRS, Musée National d’Histoire Naturelle)

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