Texte intégral
1This third Bulletin presents some of the latest studies conducted at the Center, and reports on some current research in Israeli universities.
2The activities of the newly created research center of Moroccan Jewry are described by its director, Michel Abitbol.
3Claude Klein, professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, reports on the radical changes taking place currently in the Israeli system of higher education connected to the creation of very successful completely private colleges.
4Three articles deal with the latest research at the Center. Lisa Anteby, who joined the Center last year examines the situation of Ethiopians and Russians in Israel. Dominique Trimbur, on a fellowship from the Foreign Ministry details his discoveries concerning the history of France in the Holy Land. Georgette Bensimon Choukroun, visiting scholar at the Center last year provides ethnolinguistic insights.
5The Center took a active part in preparing a conference on “France, Western Europe and Palestine, 1799-1917”, which took place on November 9-11, 1998. A report is presented here, awaiting publication of the proceedings.
6A new volume has been added to the Center series Hommes et sociétés (men and societies): L’intelligentsia russe in Israel, Rassurante étrangeté (The Russian Intelligentsia in Israel, Reassuring Strangeness) (CNRS Éditions) by Danielle Storper Perez, formerly of the CRFJ. Florence Heymann has taken the initiative to bring out Polémiques, an a-periodical collection of on-the-spot translations of current articles from the Israeli press in the social sciences.
7Since the publication of the last Bulletin, the Scientific Committee of the CRFJ met under the Presidency of Robert Ilbert at the Foreign Ministry in Paris on June 9. The committee heard its director’s report, endorsed his orientations, and urged him to pursue his various activities.
8A new CNRS research associate has joined the Center, Mrs. Silvana Condemi, who will represent the key areas of archeology and prehistory which we consider to be so crucial.
9Two members of the CRFJ have left us: our archeozoologist, Pierre Ducos, who has retired and Jean Baumgarten, our Yiddish specialist who has returned to his unit in Paris. We wish both of them much success in their remarkable work.
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Référence papier
Dominique Bourel, « Editorial », Bulletin du Centre de recherche français à Jérusalem, 3 | 1998, 6-7.
Référence électronique
Dominique Bourel, « Editorial », Bulletin du Centre de recherche français à Jérusalem [En ligne], 3 | 1998, mis en ligne le 10 juin 2008, consulté le 20 septembre 2024. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/bcrfj/3842
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