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Archaeological and Architectural Sources

Early Christian Topography in Bet Garmai, Northeastern Mesopotamia

A Case Study of the Šahqart and Ḫirbat Ğalāl Dioceses
Karel Nováček
p. 71-93


Research into the ecclesiastical organization of the Church of the East in Mesopotamia needs to shift its focus from an overall perspective to the microscale of individual dioceses, their locations, relations and development, and the morphology of their centres. Datasets produced by systematic archaeological surveys have considerable potential as tools for the reconstruction of the Christian landscape in a long-term process of continuity and change, particularly when the resulting spatial structures are combined with topographic data from textual sources. This paper attempts to use this combined historical-archaeological approach for the identification of two episcopal seats in the eparchy of Bet Garmai, which belong to the earliest stratum of dioceses in Mesopotamia: Šahqart and Ḫirbat Ğalāl. The results, as well as a broader view encompassing neighbouring dioceses in Bet Garmai and Ḥadyab, bring to light several features that should be examined in further research. These include a close connection between episcopal seats and urban foci of semi-independent secular power, building of sacred landscapes extra muros, as well as signs of regular coverage of the landscape by Christian administration at the beginning of the 5th century at the latest.

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Full-text article is available on Cairn platform in open access. It will be available on this URL in January 2025.
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Ḫirbat Ğalāl and Dārā (Darābād or Rādāni)

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The paper is partly based on data obtained during two ongoing survey projects: Medieval Urban Landscape in Northesatern Mesopotamia (MULINEM), directed by the author, and Archaeological Survey of Koya Project (ASK), directed by Dr. Cinzia Pappi (Freie Universität Berlin). I am grateful to Dr. Pappi for her kind approval of the publication of the preliminary information about the research, and to Dr. Haidar Laskhry, Koya University, for encouraging me to enter into the regional historical discussion. Furthermore, I warmly thank my colleagues Hemin N. Kawes and Narmin A. Amin, who provided me with diverse unpublished information, and two anonymous reviewers who helped me to refine my argumentation in some points. Both projects are constantly supported by the General Directorate of Antiquities in Kurdistan, represented by Mr. Kaify Ali, the Directorate of Antiquities in Erbil and its director Mr. Nader Babakr, and the Inspectorate of Antiquities Kirkuk, headed by Mr. Aya...

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Bibliographical reference

Karel Nováček, “Early Christian Topography in Bet Garmai, Northeastern Mesopotamia”Bulletin d’études orientales, LXVIII | 2023, 71-93.

Electronic reference

Karel Nováček, “Early Christian Topography in Bet Garmai, Northeastern Mesopotamia”Bulletin d’études orientales [Online], LXVIII | 2023, Online since 01 January 2026, connection on 10 October 2024. URL:; DOI:

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About the author

Karel Nováček

Palacký University Olomouc

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