The BMS (Bulletin of Sociological Methodology) is a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal specialized in all aspects of sociological methodology, and publishing in both English and French. Each issue of the BMS contains research articles, extensive book and article reviews, as well as documentation and information on different centres of sociology and important meetings throughout the world. All research articles have abstracts in both languages.
The BMS also publishes twice a year the Newsletter of the Research Committee (RC33) on “Logic and Methodology” of the International Sociological Association (ISA). The BMS is abstracted by the principal institutions concerned with sociological methodology, including the INIST (Institut de l’Information Scientifique et Technique) of the CNRS in Nancy, and Sociological Abstracts in San Diego, California, which classes the BMS among “core sociology journals”. The BMS is a member of Revues.org (French CNRS and EHESS), and the Assocation des Revues Scientifiques et Culturelles (ARSC) <http://www.arse.be>. With Revues.org, the BMS is putting all research articles more than three years old on the Web as free, fully-searchable documents.