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p. 3
Traduction(s) :
Éditorial [fr]

Texte intégral

1On 10-14 October 2004, in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, the UNESCO-associated International Federation of Science Editors (IFSE) held its Twelfth Conference (IFSE'12) which, for the first time, included a social science session, presided over by Homero Martinez, with presentations by an editor of Social Networks (Linton C. Freeman), Field Methods (H. Russell Bernard), and the Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique (Karl M. van Meter). Their four presentations constitute this special thematic issue of the BMS.

2In his introductory article, "Social Sciences and the IFSE Conferences", Homero Martinez describes the debate among IFSE organizers that resulted in an opening toward the social sciences which had not been represented up until then.

3In "Editing A Normal Science Journal in Social Science", Linton Freeman argues that Social Networks looks more like a normal science journal than a typical social science journal because of social network research's use of both graphic images and mathematical models and from the availability of computers that permit the analysis of relatively complex data structures.

4In "Science Editing in the Social Sciences: Methods Belong to All of Us", H. Russell Bernard presents the historical development of several social science methods, including probability theory and regression, and shows that these developments that have always been both quantitative and qualitative.

5In "Authors as 'Artists' or 'Heavy Weights' in Scientific Publishing: The Sociological Analysis of Scientific Literature and the BMS", Karl M. van Meter show that here are only these two types of major authors. Other methods of sociological analysis of scientific literature tend to show that there are two types of world sociology, that there are multiple, not unique, scientific elites, and that there are different national sociologies which can be compared for content and structure.

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Référence papier

« Editorial »Bulletin de méthodologie sociologique, 91 | 2006, 3.

Référence électronique

« Editorial »Bulletin de méthodologie sociologique [En ligne], 91 | 2006, mis en ligne le 20 mars 2008, consulté le 16 avril 2024. URL :

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