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Evaluating LiDAR technology for 3D data acquisition in forensic anthropology: A comparative field study of two systems

Évaluation de la technologie LiDAR pour l’acquisition de données 3D en anthropologie médico-légale : étude comparative de deux systèmes sur le terrain
Flavien Champagne, Élise Mortuaire, Louise Magne, Amélie Desrue, Anne-Sophie Vigot, Valéry Hédouin et Benoit Bertrand

Texte intégral

1In forensic anthropology, the acquisition of rapid and precise contextual data from field sites is a critical, yet too often underemphasized, task in France. Forensic anthropologists, who are rarely called to the scene of skeletal discoveries, often lack the detailed contextual information necessary for conducting thorough analyses in the laboratory. This study aims to demonstrate the potential of LiDAR technology for time-saving scene documentation by comparing two 3D ∞scanning tools used in the field: the Leica BLK360 scanner and the Recon-3D application on the iPad Pro. Both technologies were tested on burials from a 19th- to 20th-century cemetery in France. The 3D datasets obtained through LiDAR were then compared with results from photogrammetry, an alternative method integrated within Recon-3D. The BLK360 scanner was able to produce accurate and reliable three-dimensional renderings of the excavation site in approximately 20 minutes. In comparison, Recon-3D generated similarly precise point clouds in significantly less time, averaging 3 minutes per grave. While Recon-3D’s photogrammetry function is fast and produces detailed renderings, it is limited in terms of spatial measurement accuracy. Compared to the high-cost BLK scanner, Recon-3D is a low-cost alternative, though it requires the use of a post-2020 iPad Pro or iPhone Pro. The smaller size of these devices also enables better access to confined or hard-to-reach areas. Results indicate that the BLK360 scanner and Recon-3D serve as highly effective, complementary tools for skeletal documentation. Although LiDAR technology may be slightly less detailed than photogrammetry, it offers unmatched precision and speed, making it a valuable tool for enhancing forensic anthropology practices. By enabling more comprehensive documentation of discovery scenes, LiDAR strengthens forensic expertise and ensures the preservation of critical data for future investigations.

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Flavien Champagne, Élise Mortuaire, Louise Magne, Amélie Desrue, Anne-Sophie Vigot, Valéry Hédouin et Benoit Bertrand, « Evaluating LiDAR technology for 3D data acquisition in forensic anthropology: A comparative field study of two systems »Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris [En ligne], 37(S) | 2025, mis en ligne le 16 janvier 2025, consulté le 12 février 2025. URL : ; DOI :

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Flavien Champagne

ULR 7367 UTML&A – Unité de Taphonomie Médico-Légale et Anatomie, Université de Lille, CHU Lille, Lille, France ; flavien.champagne[at]

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Élise Mortuaire

ULR 7367 UTML&A – Unité de Taphonomie Médico-Légale et Anatomie, Université de Lille, CHU Lille, Lille, France

Louise Magne

ULR 7367 UTML&A – Unité de Taphonomie Médico-Légale et Anatomie, Université de Lille, CHU Lille, Lille, France

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Amélie Desrue

ULR 7367 UTML&A – Unité de Taphonomie Médico-Légale et Anatomie, Université de Lille, CHU Lille, Lille, France ; Éveha, Lille, France

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ULR 7367 UTML&A – Unité de Taphonomie Médico-Légale et Anatomie, Université de Lille, CHU Lille, Lille, France

Benoit Bertrand

ULR 7367 UTML&A – Unité de Taphonomie Médico-Légale et Anatomie, Université de Lille, CHU Lille, Lille, France

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