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Résumés des journées 2025

Immobile after death. Taphonomic observations of a bone deposit exposed to nature for a year

Immobile après la mort. Observations taphonomiques d’un dépôt osseux soumis aux éléments naturels pendant un an
Géraldine Sachau-Carcel, Marcella Leone et Priscilla Munzi

Texte intégral

1On the site of Cumae (Campania, Italy), each funerary monument and each burial is photogrammetrically recorded from the moment it is discovered until it is completely excavated. Using 3D models, we were able to work on the taphonomy of a bone deposit between its discovery in June 2022 and its excavation in June 2023. The bone deposit of interest to us is located on a bed, in the later-Republican mausoleum (MSL 73225), which has been preserved in elevation and has not been filled in. This assemblage is fully skeletonised remains of cranial elements, long bones and girdle elements, well preserved and sub-complete, with an estimated Minimum Number of Individuals of 2. This deposit does not show any organisation or connection and results of the pillaging of the mausoleum, stratigraphically situated in the 19th century. In June 2022, the skeletal remains lay on the sandy sediment of the bed and some were partially covered by brown sand sediment. Nothing was excavated, only topographed and photogrammed. In June 2023, the bones were underwater. After the groundwater retreated, appears three levels of intrusive sedimentary fill interspersed with a black level of accumulated degraded organic matter (mainly plant material) to a height of between 3 and 10 cm, the last undercovered the bone deposit. The deposit is located at a depth of -4.08 m below sea level and one meter below the highest ground-water level, which is why it will be submerged during the 2023 campaign. Digital comparison of the 3D models from 2022 and 2023 (aperture and excavated) enables us to discuss the height of the deposits accumulated over one year and to study the behaviour of the bone deposit. A comparison of the bone deposit from 2022/2023 shows, the sediment or different intrusion of water are not impact on the deposit.

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Géraldine Sachau-Carcel, Marcella Leone et Priscilla Munzi, « Immobile after death. Taphonomic observations of a bone deposit exposed to nature for a year »Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris [En ligne], 37(S) | 2025, mis en ligne le 16 janvier 2025, consulté le 12 février 2025. URL : ; DOI :

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Géraldine Sachau-Carcel

UMR 7268 ADES, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, EFS, Marseille, France ; geraldine.carcel[at]

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Marcella Leone

UAR 3133 CJB, CNRS, EFR, Naples, Italie

Priscilla Munzi

UAR 3133 CJB, CNRS, EFR, Naples, Italie

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