Texte intégral
1The development of efficient protocols that integrate 3D geometric morphometric data into cladistic analyses is a powerful tool that can be used to re-examine previously established classifications and phylogenies. In the present study, we compare the results obtained from recently developed cladistic protocols using 3D morphometric data with a more traditional approach relying on morphological characters to question the evolutionary relationships within the genus Homo. Both approaches were applied to 78 hominin calvaria, including 9 great apes, 45 Homo sapiens and 24 fossil specimens (2 australopithecines and 22 Homo) combined into 23 operational taxonomic units. The specimen’s morphologies were described using 347 landmarks and 59 character states. Three cladistic datasets were created, two of which are relying on 3D geometric morphometric data as variables: 1) the principal components (PCs) coordinates extracted from Procrustes-aligned 3D landmarks and 2) the Procrustes-aligned 3D coordinates themselves. The last matrix uses traditional morphological features as variables. Phylogenetic trees were constructed using a four-steps protocol: 1) a first phylogenetic search using the TNT software heuristic algorithm under equal weight; 2) extraction of the rescaled consistency index of each character and 3) a second phylogenetic search using the heuristic algorithm and 4) a third search with branch-and-bound algorithm for matrix C, as it contains traditional morphological characters. The comparison between 3D landmark-based methods and conventional morphological analyses underscores the strengths and limitations of each. The importance of comparing results with morphological matrices in cladistics lies in the nuanced interpretation of evolutionary relationships. While geometric morphometrics provide a powerful tool for capturing shape variations, morphological matrices in cladistics offer a broader perspective, encompassing a range of morphological traits. This integrative approach enhances our understanding of hominid evolution and provides a robust foundation for future studies in evolutionary biology.
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Référence électronique
Margaux Simon-Maciejewski, Giorgio Manzi, Valéry Zeitoun et Aurélien Mounier, « Testing the phylogeny of the genus Homo: cladistics, morphology and geometric morphometrics », Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris [En ligne], 37(S) | 2025, mis en ligne le 16 janvier 2025, consulté le 09 février 2025. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/bmsap/15388 ; DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/133pk
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Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale, Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy ; UMR 7194 – Histoire Naturelle de l’Homme Préhistorique (HNHP), Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, CNRS, UPVD, Musée de l’Homme, Paris, France ; margauxyveline.simonmaciejewski[at]uniroma1.it
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